March 14th, 2025

Letter: Can’t ignore what Hinman’s policies would do to seniors

By Letter to the Editor on August 27, 2021.

Dear editor,

Once again the conservative seniors in our circle of friends find a defeated Reformer in Paul Hinman still trying to promote his lame-brain policies upon the people, ignoring what they will do to us seniors.

How many seniors are going to be willing to give up their Old Age Security payments, Canada Pension Plan payments and Public Health Care benefits so they can brag about helping Hinman separate Alberta from the rest of Canada? You would have to be a fool to even think about it.

It’s nothing more than a clever trick to force ignorant Albertans into a lot more privatization.

Those of us from the world of finance aren’t dumb enough to believe their lie that we would be a lot better off when our population of only 4.5 million people would have to make up for what 38 million people can provide.

Hinman, of course, ignores the fact that during another oil industry crash they wouldn’t have the taxes to help anyone.

Alan Spiller


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Fedup Conservative
Fedup Conservative
3 years ago

I wonder who Hinman thinks has been helping Albertans get through these oil industry crashes or the pandemic. Young Albertans have been thankful that Trudeau has been there to help them, we know these Reformers wouldn’t have. Catering to their rich friends is all they care about.
O’Toole has been whining about all the money Trudeau has been spending on helping Canadians and we know that had these phony conservatives in Alberta not given away hundreds of billions of dollars we would have had the income to help all Canadians get through it.