March 17th, 2025

Letter: No more coddling adult children over vaccines

By Letter to the Editor on August 20, 2021.

Dear editor,

“I feel I am downtrodden,” I told my wife over breakfast the other day.

“What do you mean?” she inquired.

That opened the door.

For 17 months we have followed the rules: we have isolated, sanitized, washed our hands raw, social distanced, worn masks and have been double vaccinated.

We’ve gone without concerts, weddings, funerals, parties and just eating out.

We’ve missed friends and families.

We have done everything humanly possible to avoid getting or spreading this deadly virus, and we get treated like second class citizens.

When the anti-science, anti-vaxxers cause another spike, who pays the price?

We do.

It’s back to social distancing and masking and missing out on the important things in our life. Why haven’t the media, the public, the government treated these people like the pariah they are?

Why do they get mollycoddled, bribes and incentives? We are now at the highest level of active cases this city has ever seen. And WE are paying the price. That’s why I feel downtrodden.

For many years vaccinations have been the law. That is the reason that we no longer have to worry about mumps, measles, polio, chickenpox, diphtheria and whooping cough. The anti-vaxxers will tell you they’ve never had a vaccine in their lives. Not true. Mothers take their babies to the clinic to start on their immunization schedule at two months old.

It is time to stop the molly coddling of these irresponsible, selfish adult children who think all is well because, for some unearthly reason, they won’t get it.

Meanwhile those of us who care about our community are left holding the bag, paying for their medical care, government insurance and incentives and increased taxes for all that this is going to cost.

Tom Rooke

Medicine Hat

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3 years ago

Well said Mr. Rooke and I could not agree more!!

3 years ago

You probably want to show your papers too.

3 years ago

Tom, Have you not listened to the many many Doctors that advise NOT to take an experimental JAB? This JAB is TOXIC but everyone has a choice to take it or not. Mandating JABS is NOT the way to go…..
Those that are DOUBLE jabbed shouldn’t worry about us that prefer to wait to see what happens to those that take this JAB….If it is such a good thing, why are those that have had the double JAB still getting infected? And don’t blame the un-jabbed cause that argument doesn’t hold any validity…

Fedup Conservative
Fedup Conservative
3 years ago
Reply to  fern

Want to bet fern is another one of these mindless seniors, as my senior friends call them. Where are all these many, many doctors she talks about? There aren’t any.
Almost every day we are seeing guys on TV telling people to get vaccinated because they didn’t and now wish they had. Some are going to need a lung transplant to survive
My senior friends call them cowards who can’t handle the truth and are scared of needles. Can you imagine what would have happened to us if these fools refused to to get vaccinated for polio, mumps, etc.

Fedup Conservative
Fedup Conservative
3 years ago

Tom certainly has it right. The senior conservatives in my world have a hard time believing how stupid a lot of our fellow seniors are. It’s no secret that the UCP expects them to get COVID and the increase in numbers indicates they likely will. With them being seniors we are going to see a lot more deaths.