March 17th, 2025

Letter: Alberta needs a party to go ‘Fair Deal’ all the way

By Letter to the Editor on August 20, 2021.

Dear editor,

There is a move afoot in the Cypress-Medicine Hat UCP constituency office and I dare say other constituencies around our province to kickstart fundraising efforts for the purpose of raising awareness through advertising for a strong “yes” vote in the upcoming referendum on equalization.

I totally support promoting the referendum, however I believe Albertans need to take a more objective approach to what is being asked of them, and by whom.

This fundraiser is primarily a UCP and Independent MLA driven venture that expects you as individuals to support them in an issue that should be 100% driven and funded by the UCP party itself, after all it is the UCP that is forging ahead with the referendum on our behalf; all we as Albertans need to do is ensure we vote.

If there is a need to raise capital, I would suggest any contributions be made directly to your local “Wildrose independence Party of Alberta” constituencies who will ensure that your contribution is directed toward advancing the entire “Fair Deal Panel” file and recommendations rather than a meaningless portion thereof that Trudeau will simply ignore.

It is glaringly obvious that after years of failed UCP and NDP governance we Albertans have had enough. Now is the time to distance ourselves from the mainstream politics of Kenney, the UCP and pathetic NDP. Alberta needs a party that will implement the “Fair Deal Panel” agenda in its entirety for the benefit of all Albertan’s.

If donations are to be made, they should be directed toward our own “Wildrose Independence Party of Alberta.”

I guarantee it will be the best investment you ever make because it will be for the future of Alberta, the end of $21 billion a year donation to the Laurentian elite and the creation of the wealthiest independent region in north America.

Ken Pirie

Medicine Hat

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Fedup Conservative
Fedup Conservative
3 years ago

So how do you explain the fact that former MLAs from the Lougheed era had nothing but praise for Notley for being a lot like our hero Peter Lougheed and that she was on the right track to get us out of this “Horrific Mess” as Lougheed called it? Raising corporate taxes and oil royalties is the only way you do it and she was doing it.

Why don’t you provide us with a list of all the horrible things she did to us when everything she was doing was fixing the horrible mess she inherited? How would you build 55 schools we were short of without spending any money and how do you explain why the majority of Albertans want Kenney out an her back?

None of the conservatives in my world are dumb enough to want to support another pretend Conservative party promoting separation from Canada and watch our seniors lose their Old Age Security, Canada Pension Plan payments and our Public Health Care Benefits. How stupid do you think we are ?

We see Paul Hinman as another defeated Reformer who was defeated when Albertans realized what he stood for . We know none of his plans will benefit any of us seniors.

Fedup Conservative
Fedup Conservative
3 years ago

While these damn Reformers continue to try to force more and more privatization on to the backs of people, like Klein did, they support the plan to give away the people’s oil wealth and taxes, like Kenney is doing and think the rest of Canada should be stupid enough to agree to give Alberta equalization payments to make up for this revenue cutting stupidity. Canadians aren’t that stupid.
They aren’t fooling any true conservative I know. Are you going to support these fools.