March 17th, 2025

Letter: It’s time to get out and vote (and get this bad prime minister out)

By Letter to the Editor on August 18, 2021.

Dear editor,

It’s time to “poop” or get off the pot!

Our drama teacher Prime Minister has announced “the election.”

We’ve been walking the walk, talking the talk for the last few years and now it’s time to push the envelope and make sure Canadian voters understand the premise.

It has never, ever been this important to get a sitting Prime Minister out of his seat at the table as it is now. One would think, “How on earth could any self respecting, stable-of-mind” Canadian ever consider voting for this law-breaking, self-serving excuse for a politician?

Well, be aware folks. They’re still out there. A ton of Eastern Canada Liberals are still on the payroll and this time out, we need a full turnout at the polls to counteract them. Simply put… THEY OUTNUMBER US! There’s only one legal way to get this man gone and that’s to exercise your vote.

I’ll be back!

Bobbie Norman


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Fedup Conservative
Fedup Conservative
3 years ago

Well boys if you want to start paying $800. to $1,000. per month each, like my American relatives are doing, for your Private For Profit Health Care System , while you watch these Reformers continue it screw you out of your oil wealth and taxes you are on the right track. Want to bet you are both seniors who are easy to fool.
As much as the Conservatives in my world aren’t fans of Trudeau’s we trust him more than we do these Reformers, but I doubt you can see the difference, we can.
When you need medical help don’t be surprised if you can’t get it under your buddies Jason Kenney and Erin O’Toole. While Kenney promises to cut 11,000 health care jobs in Alberta he maybe putting your lives at risk like Klein did, or have you forgotten the lawsuits launched against Klein all already?

3 years ago

Dear Mr fed up still waiting for you to tell us how wealth is created

Fedup Conservative
Fedup Conservative
3 years ago
Reply to  balerbob

Why don’t you be a hero and tell us how? The Royal Bank of Canada is the strongest Corporation in Canada, and one of the richest in the world and they just happen to be a Financial Institute, or hadn’t you noticed ?

Fedup Conservative
Fedup Conservative
3 years ago

The big question is why do you care?

3 years ago

Dear Mr fed up. I would have expected a answer not a question from a conservative. From what you have posted don’t think you are a conservative maybe a red.