March 17th, 2025

Letter: A new political strategy for Albertans in the upcoming federal election

By Letter to the Editor on August 18, 2021.

Dear editor,

Here’s an idea for Albertans: turf every Conservative, and lone NDP, Member of Parliament and elect nothing but Liberal MPs.

That’s 34 seats in Canada’s Parliament and in a party in power to represent the interests of Albertans.

It could also mean the difference between a majority or minority Liberal government or a minority or opposition Liberal party. Those 34 seats could thus hold the balance of power in Canada’s government.

An also-ran Conservative party led by a guy named O’Toole will do little for Albertans, and Alberta’s current Conservative MPs aren’t doing much good either in my estimation.

So, let’s just do it and see what happens. Albertans have nothing to lose and everything to gain.

Mike Priaro


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Fedup Conservative
Fedup Conservative
3 years ago

The conservatives in my world aren’t dumb enough to want to elect another damn Reformer friend of Jason Kenney’s. We have seen enough of the ignorance they bring to the table, especially when they are all about destroying our Public Health Care and Education Systems, like O’Toole is promising to do.
As much as we we aren’t fans of Trudeau we trust him a lot more than these Reformers. It was former MLAs from the Lougheed era who taught me not to trust them.
They weren’t surprised that Reformers Stephen Harper, Preston Manning, Brian Jean, Danielle Smith, Jim Prentice and Andrew Scheer had all been defeated in elections when the people finally realized what they stood for.
In addition they pointed out that none of them were smart enough to carry on where Lougheed left off by collecting proper royalties and taxes, like Norway and Alaska are doing. They are only interested in trying to buy votes from their rich friends.