March 13th, 2025

Letter: UCP should cut their own salaries before turning to nurses

By Letter to the Editor on July 17, 2021.

Dear editor,

I recently spent five days in Medicine Hat Regional Hospital and can’t believe the UCP government wants to cut nurses wages.

I started out in emergency and my care was constant, professional and caring, by both the nurses and the doctors. I then was moved to intensive care and the wonderful care continued.

It takes a special person to care for sick patients, the compassion they have is unbelievable. Nurses and doctors never went home at the end of there shift on time. Eventually I made it to the main ward and the care didn’t change.

I can’t say enough about the people who dedicate their life to this career.

Thank you to emergency staff, ICU and 5E, for the excellent care I received.

Shame on the UCP government, cut your own salaries.

Ron Kobe

Medicine Hat

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Fedup Conservative
Fedup Conservative
3 years ago

I was in three different hospitals in Edmonton in June 2020 for 10 days and a friend just spent a week in one and we certainly agree with you.. We couldn’t have been treated any better than we were and to think these clowns want to pull another Ralph Klein and destroy their careers is insane.
We have got to pull together and stop it, before it’s too late.

3 years ago

Are you saying the doctors and nurses in the other provinces are bad compared to the Albertan ones? And therefore that Albertan doctors and nurses should for some reason be the highest paid in Canada? That seems strange and random.

Fedup Conservative
Fedup Conservative
3 years ago
Reply to  Leftocrites

Must make you feel really proud that you are letting a Liberal ,turned Reformer, has never been a true conservative treat you like a moron and you are letting him do it, why?
With you being such a genius and all why have you have ignored what the majority of Albertans have been saying all along. It’s no secret that the most Albertans have been earning higher wages than most of the people in other provinces, and we can thank these phony conservatives for creating it. Who do you think created these high health care wages? It certainly wasn’t the Liberals or NDP, could you prove it was in court, would you like to try???
Are you so ignorant you don’t know that you are paying the highest property taxes in Canada, the highest vehicle insurance premiums, the highest liquor prices, the highest vehicle registration fees, the second highest power bills, Seniors are paying the highest long term health care fees . How would you like to pay $10,000. per month like our family had to do? Did you bother to check Klein’s 10% flat tax it gave seniors the highest provincial taxes in Canada. While you pay 10% my relatives in B.C. pay 5.6% .
Young parents are paying the highest school fees, and the highest day care fees. Apparently you have also ignored the fact that our phony conservative premier and his MLAs are receiving the highest wages in Canada.
I think lawyers are right instead of putting up with the stupid comments hurled by these ignorant seniors we should just start hauling them into court, what do you think? They would have nothing to defend themselves with, the true facts are impossible to dispute.

Why don’t all of you ignorant seniors google this so you won’t have to look so stupid.
“Alberta MLAs Highest Paid in Canada”
The seniors in my world aren’t this stupid, but then we have been associated with lawyers, accountants, oilmen, bankers, and former MLAs from the Lougheed era. over the years and aren’t willing to blindly believe the lies these phony conservatives feed us. It’s no secret Klein’s father Phil and daughter Angie tried to help us put stop to it and ignorant Albertans wouldn’t let us.