March 17th, 2025

Letter: Conservative-made problems continue piling up in this province

By Letter to the Editor on July 13, 2021.

Dear editor,

In response to John MacLaren’s July 9 letter to the editor

Once again we see seniors believing the lies Jason Kenney has been feeding them, and my senior friends and I are getting sick of it.

Those of us from the world of finance, who consider ourselves to be conservatives and who had ties to the oil industry, certainly know Ottawa had nothing to do with the financial mess Alberta is in and there are lots of studies done that prove it.

You can’t give away hundreds of billions in royalties and taxes without it creating a massive problem and they are still doing it. Then add in a huge orphan well mess for our children to have to deal with and their future has literally been destroyed.

Believing the lies of these phony conservatives, Reformers, doesn’t make them look very smart and John MacLaren is another one proving he is doing it.

Apparently he is ignorant of the fact that it’s our oil executives who wanted the carbon tax implemented, knowing we have to do something about our pollution problem if our oil industry is going to survive. Telling the world that they don’t care about air pollution, or global warming like these Reformers have been doing, when the world does care, doesn’t make them look very smart.

In addition none of us are dumb enough to think that separation is the way to go. We aren’t prepared to give up our Old Age Security, Canada Pension Plan, and health-care benefits like some of our fellow seniors have been tricked into ignoring. Alberta does not have the population or big enough work force to survive without Ottawa and that’s a fact you can’t ignore.

So while Jason Kenney cuts $9.4 billion off our corporate taxes to benefit his rich friends, does MacLaren think it’s smart to cut health care and education jobs, likely putting some of us seniors’ lives at risk like Ralph Klein did?

Alan K. Spiller


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3 years ago

Alan do you know who and how wealth is created? It is definitely not created by those in the finance world.

Fedup Conservative
Fedup Conservative
3 years ago
Reply to  balerbob

What a stupid comment. I bet you are a fellow senior. They seem to be the ones with the ignorant comments, as my senior friends will tell you.
Who do you think has been lending money to Albertans to buy houses, cars, etc, and who do think has been providing money to the oil industry to keep them operating so they can provide Albertans with jobs?
I financed the construction of 338 houses in Fort MacMurray so oilmen had somewhere to live while being employed by the oil industry. Along with 144 houses in Fort Sask. when Imperial Oil built their Fertilizer Plant at Red Water. Where do you think their employees would have lived?
Would you rather they weren’t so you had to save to up to buy anything you wanted to buy and who do you think has been paying seniors interest on their savings over the years? While us seniors are not enjoying interest rates like they once were our young people are enjoying low interest rates for buying houses, and thankfully so the houses are costing a lot more than they did in our day.
What upsets us is the fact that these phony conservative governments, Reformers, have helped their rich friends steal our oil and tax wealth and Kenney is still doing it, and that’s where our real wealth would have come from for all of us.
As Lougheed often said Think like an owner. You own the oil in this province. Well ignorant Albertans allowed it to be given away and those of us who tried to stop it got called all sorts of names for trying to do so, and guess what in every case it was a senior who did the name calling. Even Ralph Klein’s father Phil and daughter Angie tried to help us stop it.

. All you have to do is see what Norway and Alaska have accomplished with their oil wealth. We know this would never have happened to us if Lougheed had still been in power.

3 years ago

Yes very nice that you helped with all that lending. However today in spite off that great increase in spending and economic growth the province is in a very dire financial crisis caused by what? Could it possibly be to much borrowing and not enough pay as you go.

Fedup Conservative
Fedup Conservative
3 years ago
Reply to  balerbob

By the way most of my 32 year career was spent in Rural Alberta helping ranchers and farmers and I can assure you they all appreciated my help.
If you had bother to talk to any lawyers, accountant, oilmen, bankers or former MLAs from the Lougheed era like many of us have over the years they could have straightened you out.
The fact is there have been all sorts of studies done that prove what happened to Alberta and it has been these damn Reformers, trying to pretend they are conservatives while they deliberately destroyed what Lougheed had created for us. They helped their rich friends steal our money and it certainly wasn’t Ottawa. Kenney is still doing it or hadn’t you noticed?
I would suggest you google these to read so you don’t need to look so foolish:
” Royalties Down 32% Billions in Federal Revenue Lost” Make certain you read what Lougheed said.
“Misplaced Generosity Alberta Government set to forgo another $55 Billion in royalties over next three years”
“A $575 Billion Missed Opportunity Haunts Canada’s Oil Heartland”
Don’t forget Klein’s father Phil and daughter Angie tried to help us put a stop to it , but ignorant Albertans would let us.
“Daughter of Former Alberta Premier Ralph Klein supports NDP in up coming election”
She confirms what Ralph had told our family over the years that he was a Liberal, and Jason Kenney was one also. Both men were never true conservatives. Liberals turned Reformers and look at the mess they have created. Trying to blame it all on Ottawa is a farce.

Fedup Conservative
Fedup Conservative
3 years ago

How about we start suing you guys so you can show us in court what a genius you are, would you like to try?
The lawyers in our world suggest that’s exactly what we should be doing, your blind stupidity has created this mess in Alberta and we should be making you help pay for it, can you give us any reasons why we shouldn’t?
If there was anything I learned from dealing with lawyers over the years you had better be prepared to provide some cold hard true facts to defend yourselves in court if you are going to hurl sarcastic comments at anyone. Stupid comments won’t get you anywhere.
With Notley being a lawyer and likely having lots of lawyer friends I would keep my stupid comments to myself if I were you, don’t you think? Even lawyers who supported the Lougheed government know she was on the right track to get us out of this financial mess, can you prove she wasn’t?
While you try to defend this phony conservative Liberal , turned Reformer Jason Kenney how do you explain what intelligent people are saying about him?

3 years ago

Very interesting comments. But maybe someone could tell this ignorant out of debt uneducated farmer how bigger borrowing for social programs that obviously do not work is going to strengthen our economy.

Fedup Conservative
Fedup Conservative
3 years ago
Reply to  balerbob

I don’t have a clue about what you are talking about unless you are referring to Kenney buying an oil refinery or giving away $1.3billion on a pipeline when we knew it wouldn’t be approved or cutting $9.4 billion off corporate taxes for his rich friends and making the doctors, nurses, and teachers pay for it with losing their jobs?
Don’t forget he has never been a true conservative neither was the Ralph Klein our family had known since the early 1960s and they were both only interested in destroying everything Lougheed stood for and the true conservatives in my world didn’t elect him, did you?
I was involved with the Orphan Well Cleanup Mess prior to Klein changing the regulations to benefit his rich friends and look what that has done to the land owners who are effected by it?

3 years ago

Still waiting for you to explain how borrowing money and failing social programs are going to help the economy.

Fedup Conservative
Fedup Conservative
3 years ago
Reply to  balerbob

Still haven’t a clue about what you are talking about. Borrowing money where and what social programs.

3 years ago

Yes Mr fed up but definitely not a conservative. You did have it right in your last post Quote “I don’t have a clue” still waiting for answer on to create wealth.