March 17th, 2025

Letter: Westerners need to stand up

By Letter to the Editor on July 9, 2021.

Dear editor,

Where is all that cheering, laughing, and high fiving coming from? Oh, it’s David Suzuki, Elizabeth May, NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh, Greenpeace, World Wildlife Federation, the Greta Thurnbergs of the world, academics, Trudeau and his entourage rejoicing that the western oil industry, and with it the economies of Alberta and Saskatchewan, have been eviscerated and driven into the ground!

Their wildest dreams have been answered. Before you hop on that bandwagon, be careful what you wish for. I remember living in Alberta prior to the development of the Alberta petroleum industry. I can tell you from first hand experience it was a minimal existence. The standard of living in many cases was far, far less than what welfare recipients receive today. My old dad worked 5 1/2 days a week at a steady job and earned about $50 per month. My family of four lived in the City of Medicine Hat on Eighth Street SW in a one-room shack that had a door but no windows. No electricity, no sewer, no furnace, no hot water tank, no toilet, no bathtub, no washing machine, no bus service, no sidewalk, no street lights and no paved road. We had only natural gas, cold water and an out house. When we moved to a better accommodation it was to a single garage that my father built, still one room, same outhouse.

But hey, the garage had one window! The prairies have been shafted by the federal government since day one and have been ever since right up to today. I can only hope and pray that the current generation of Albertans have more balls than my generation and rebel at being a colony of the Laurentian Elite. Albertans must demand real and significant changes immediately to the predatory system we westerners have been forced to live under. Separation being Plan B and a bright light at the end of the tunnel.

John MacLaren

Medicine Hat

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Fedup Conservative
Fedup Conservative
3 years ago

Those of us who consider ourselves to be true conservatives especially those of us who had tides to the oil industry know it wasn’t Ottawa who put us in this financial mess we are in. It was these phoney conservatives , Reformers, who have given away our oil and tax wealth to their rich friends and they are still doing it. Can MacLaren prove they didn’t when studies prove they did.

Oil executives know Trudeau has done more for Alberta and our oil industry than Harper ever did and were furious with him for not cooperating with them in getting the carbon tax implemented. They think that it would have gotten the keystone pipeline approved by Obama. Telling the world that we don’t give a damn about air pollution, or global warming, when the world does care , like these Reformers keep promoting is just plain stupid.

Does MacLaren see any intelligence in cutting $9.4 billion off Alberta’s corporate taxes and cutting health care and teaching jobs like these reformers are planning?