March 17th, 2025

Letter: Lottery-turned-slush fund

By Letter to the Editor on June 25, 2021.

Dear editor,

In 2019, UCP government got rid of the Lottery Fund. It’s all in general revenue now to be used as a slush fund to bribe citizens for $3 million into getting the jab.

Nice use of money that volunteer groups could have used!

Cathy Smith


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Fedup Conservative
Fedup Conservative
3 years ago

When you have cut $9.4 billion off corporate taxes to benefit your rich friends you have to make this up somewhere and screwing the people is the easiest way of doing it. Cutting health care and education jobs will be next. They don’t give a damn what they do, Reformers have never been about looking after the well-being of the people and that’s why so many of them have been defeated in elections.
Preston Manning, Stephen Harper, Brian Jean, Danielle Smith, Jim Prentice and Andrew Scheer.
While the true conservatives ion my world aren’t fans of Trudeau we trust him more than we do O’Toole who is promising to force Canadians into a privatized health care system by cutting $36 Billion off our health care funding, and eliminate the CBC that many Canadians still rely on.

Fedup Conservative
Fedup Conservative
3 years ago

I wonder how many of our fellow seniors are going to be able to afford $800. per month each for their health care, like my American relatives are doing, while these phony conservatives continue to look after their rich friends by giving them our oil and tax revenues. That’s only $9,600. each or $19,200. per couple and they don’t care.
Now watch me get attacked by these mentally challenged seniors who aren’t smart enough to understand what these Reformers are planning for them.