March 18th, 2025

Letter: Anyone with a job should do it to the best of their ability

By Letter to the Editor on May 29, 2021.

Dear editor,

We did not elect the unions to run our province. We elected a party and our premier to do this job!

You are simply employees paid by taxpayers in the province of Alberta and I am one of those taxpayers. When given an assignment, you as an employee need to set aside your personal views or opinions and do the job you are being paid to do. Yes, you are allowed your opinions and it is important for us to respect that. However, in refusing to do or try the assignment, you are letting your personal view affect others and you are not fulfilling your employment requirements! An employee in the private sector would be reassigned or dismissed.

Our Ministers of Education and Health are doing their very best in trying to ensure the wellbeing of our children – your students, and people’s well being, your patients! Thanking you every day is, simply put, thanking you for doing your jobs! I respect your work ethic, your qualifications, but it is a choice you made in that career path knowing full well the implications of that choice. Any employed person should do their job to the best of their ability. I know I did. It’s unfortunate there is a difference of opinions between employer and employee, however that’s how it goes. There can only be one person in charge, and that’s the employer! Perhaps you might feel differently if you were the one being confronted in public for choices you were making. Choices that are made from information provided by qualified advisors. Would or could you make those same choices if your opinion was under fire? I don’t think so. I as a taxpayer, a patient and parent, would fire you!

Elizabeth Stewart

Medicine Hat

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3 years ago

Ha, coming from a lawyer!