March 11th, 2025

Letter: MHRH doctors and nurses go the extra mile

By Letter to the Editor on May 14, 2021.

Dear editor,

Recently, I was hospitalized due to COVID-19.

I am only 16 years old and the stress and uncertainty of having a dangerous illness with rare symptoms, along with being alone in the hospital is something I did not know how to cope with.

I would like to give the biggest thanks to the doctors and nurses at Medicine Hat Regional Hospital (especially the 5 East COVID ward) who not only attended to my physical needs, but who sat with me at night when I was afraid, comforted me during times of panic, distracted me with stories and more.

For them, it might have only been a regular day on the job, but their kindness made a lasting impact on me and I will remember it forever.

Sadie Van Dyke

Medicine Hat

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Fedup Conservative
Fedup Conservative
3 years ago

We can all thank Drew Barnes and his band of ignorant UCP MLAs for creating a worse mess. Apparently saving businesses is far more important than saving lives.
Not only did they put more lives at risk and create a worse nightmare for our doctors and nurses, and our young people like Sadie, they put these businesses at risk of being sued, like we saw in Calgary with Joey’s . Where is the intelligent in that.
Glad you survived Sadie , my son did also, and a friend’s daughter who is a nurse. Drew Barnes certainly didn’t care who got hurt.