March 4th, 2025

Letter: Conservatism is not at a crossroads

By Letter to the Editor on May 6, 2021.

Dear editor,

In response to Alex McCuaig’s column, “Conservative politics at a crossroads in Canada,” published in the April 27 edition of the News.

How interesting to analyze a socialist’s views of conservatism. Alex McCuaig does not know what a real Conservative Party would look like. Recent conservatism is not at a crossroads; It never got out of the garage and onto the highway.

If Canada ever had a strong conservative government it was before and during our years as the miracle Dominion which defied Britain’s loss of interest in her North American colonies along with fears of Americans annexing what is now Western Canada.

Conservative giants, John A. Macdonald and George-Etienne Cartier, took us into Confederation. Across the Atlantic, Benjamin Disraeli supported drawing up the British North-America Act. That was another age, which ended with the death of Queen Victoria in 1901.

By the end of World War II, the Conservative Party’s best days were over. In 1942, Conservative leader John Bracken forced the party to change its name to “Progressive Conservative.” That was an oxymoron.

A real conservative would wish to conserve the best of the past in building the future. When I arrived in Canada in 1966, the Conservatives were out of office and John Diefenbaker had been leader for 10 years. He gained a minority in 1957, a massive landslide in 1958, and a final minority in 1963 before defeat under Lestor Pearson’s Liberals in 1965.

Diefenbaker wasn’t a real conservative. He has been branded as an agrarian radical. When I studied him in political science, we looked to Peter Newman’s view of him as a “Renegade in Power.” We have, however, had two successful “conservative” parties in Western Canada.

Both planted from Alberta: Social Credit from 1935 to 1971, before it was defeated by another Red Tory party under Peter Lougheed. On the federal scene we had the successful Reform Party. Why we watered it down into another Red Tory party, I’ll never know. It never came to power. It didn’t have to; It had a big influence on Canadian politics.

So, don’t let a socialist tell you the “Conservatives” are at a crossroads. In my 55 years in Canada I’ve never seen a real conservative government. I would like to see one before I leave this world. One that would follow in the steps of a Margaret Thatcher or an Enoch Powell; One with leaders not ashamed to follow Almighty God’s commandments. One that would exclude political correctness from its vocabulary.

Am I asking too much? Not if you don’t want Canada becoming the first member of a One-World Government, exchanging its Maple Leaf for the United Nations flag, and trashing its borders.

That’s the liberal globalists’ plan, and supported by the socialists.

It will eventually come, but that’s another issue.

John Stanley

Medicine Hat

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Fedup Conservative
Fedup Conservative
3 years ago

So are you saying we should ignore what Lougheed created for us and go with what these Reformers have been doing to us. Giving away our taxes and royalties to their rich friends while forcing us to pay more and more out of our pockets with privatization and treating our doctors , nurses, and teachers like third rate citizens? No thanks we aren’t that stupid.

3 years ago

^ Yes you are that stupid, you prove that every time you write one of your silly, leftist, predictable replies.

Fedup Conservative
Fedup Conservative
3 years ago
Reply to  TrueAlbertan

This coming from a guy who isn’t smart enough to tell the difference between a conservative and a reformer giving away all our oil and tax wealth while he forces the people to pay more and more money out of their own pockets. Hasn’t read the studies put out by the Parkland Institute, a division of the U. of A. or the one put out by economist Trevor Tombe of the U of C who pointed that Albertans have lost $575 billion in lost oil revenues thanks to these phony conservatives. Oilmen tell us it’s a lot more because it doesn’t include Natural Gas royalties they gave away also.
Apparently you haven’t been smart enough to talk to any of our lawyers, accountants, oilmen, bankers, or former MLAs from the Lougheed era who certainly know how badly Albertans have been screwed out of their money.
While Albertans have been cleaned out of hundreds of billions of dollars Alaskans have increased their Alaska Permanent Fund by $3 Billions over the last few years and every man , woman and child has received some $6,000. each and I’m the stupid one.
Can you explain why Albertans shouldn’t band together and start suing you guys that are ignoring the facts????
How would you prove these articles are incorrect in court? Go ahead and tell us I know some lawyers who would be interested. They know you can’t.
“Alberta’s oil-based wealth fund misses a$433 Billion opportunity.”
“Royalties down 32% Billions in Federal Revenue lost ” Make certain you read what Lougheed said.
” Misplaced Generosity; Alberta Government set to Forgo $55 billion in royalties over next three years”
By the way Lougheed’s energy minister Bill Dickie was a brother in-law of one of my uncles and he certainly knew what was going on and so did Ralph Klein’s father Phil and his daughter Angie. Would you be able to prove they didn’t in court? I had know the Klein family since the early 1960s and knew what a jerk Ralph was.

3 years ago

Someone forgot to take their meds again. It’s 2021 you boob, not 1970.