March 14th, 2025

Letter: Let’s act now on climate emergency

By Letter to the Editor on April 23, 2021.

Dear editor,

As an active Alberta Friends of Medicare member, I applaud Canada’s Environment Ministry recent Bill C-28 to protect Canadians’ health from adverse environmental effects.

Still, this measure doesn’t go far enough.

Apart from obvious water pollution from coal mines, the continued use of fossil fuels (including those used to extract coal) threatens a very disturbed planet in multiple ways that – ultimately – affect the health and well-being of everyone: fires, floods and other catastrophic climate events.

Thus, an emissions target of at least 60% below 2005 levels must be achieved by 2030. Yet Canada’s related Bill C-12, including any climate solutions therein, has been stalled. Good health depends on clean air, water and soil; we are not separate from the planet that sustains us.

We are experiencing a climate emergency: it’s time to triage our patient planet and offer the best scientific solutions possible to rehabilitate it toward health and vigour.

People may feel individually protected from negative climate effects; but a debased climate is a global contagion: no one is immune. And we all know what contagions can do.

Let’s act now; embrace renewables and other scientific solutions. Our very lives are in the balance.

Avril Torrence

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Fedup Conservative
Fedup Conservative
3 years ago

Those of us from the world of finance certainly agree with you and if these Reformers don’t stop trying to stop it our Oil Industry is dead.
It’s no secret that our oil executives agree with you and wanted the Carbon Tax implemented because they know it’s worked where ever it’s been tried. While these phony conservatives want us to believe that it will financially destroy us.
Of course they say nothing about Klein’s privatization of our power industry and the massive monthly fees Albertans have faced ever since.