March 18th, 2025

Letter: Do what is necessary in keeping us safe and well

By Letter to the Editor on April 23, 2021.

Dear editor,

Both my husband and I were raised in Medicine Hat and still have family and dear friends to keep us in the know of what the community is doing with social events.

I know, life has been ghostly since the pandemic took over the world. We’re all having to make major changes in our daily living.

Not a lot of excitement in our daily routine. The mind can explore in books, let it take you on adventures. Distant travel used to be an option, but respecting our health advisers, we all need to appreciate that we have written material at hand to keep us in the know.

We had high hopes of making a trip to Medicine Hat, but not yet! Seems the smartest is staying close to home. It’s distant from all those we love yet there are alternatives. Reach out by phone, let loved ones know they’re on your mind. Life and things will get better. Sort through old photos, do a journal, go through recipes and make a book of favourites, start a garden. Research questions online like “is vinegar a good disinfectant?” Answer: Yes, 99%.

We all have events we cannot attend as planned, but we can still communicate. Celebrate at another time when we know life is safe. Only show the happiness that your loved ones are well, and you’re well enough to look forward to better days.

A group of us planned to congregate in Medicine Hat come May at Cottonwood Golf and Country Club for an 80-year celebration, a reunion with old friends called “working on a new decade.” Intentions were to advertise in the News of date and time, to bring all those 80s together in this questionable year. It will not come about, but each of us that were looking forward to the big 80th can still celebrate the fact we are fine with rules and wish to keep our health.

Life is what each of us make of it, so do what is necessary in keeping safe and well. Be kind, do unto others as you would do unto those that do unto you.

Mind the safety of your loved ones by being respectful to the pattern you’ve molded in this time of care for all humanity. We’ll make time for each other again once we carry out the duty of protection with distance, masks and the vaccine. It’s your duty to carry out the plan for wellness.

Donna (Ostrom) Treiber


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