March 18th, 2025

Letter: The daylight saving time conundrum

By Letter to the Editor on April 16, 2021.

Dear editor,

Lately the conversation has arisen again about the advantages and disadvantages of going daylight savings all year long. In order to satisfy both sides of the argument, why don’t we compromise and go Mountain Standard Time -half-hour all year long?

This proposal satisfies some concerns such as being too dark in the morning during winter if we went Mountain Daylight Time all year round and it would satisfy those who hate changing their clocks. And why should Newfoundland have the distinction of being the only province with a half-hour difference from everyone else? And for the Newfoundland people living in Alberta, there would be no more complicated math trying to figure out what time it is back home when they make a phone call. It would be an even number now! Now this would complicate things trying to figure out what time it is in Ottawa but as we all know, Albertans don’t care too much about Ottawa and what happens there.

And if British Columbia goes to Pacific Daylight Time all year long, Alberta would fit nicely in between B.C. and Saskatchewan. We would be a half-hour behind Saskatchewan and a half-hour ahead of B.C., just perfect.

So let’s get on the boat or train and ask for a new time zone for Alberta. Right now I don’t know what to call the new time zone, but I am sure there are smart people out there that can find a good name for it.

Vernon Fedor

Medicine Hat

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