March 18th, 2025

Letter: Chief didn’t need AHS direction on church services

By Letter to the Editor on April 9, 2021.

Dear editor,

Medicine Hat Police Chief Mike Worden needn’t wait for AHS to direct him on the legality of the church service at Heights Baptist Church.

He can go right to the top legal authority, Jesus Christ. The answer for him is in the first two verses of Chapter 13 of the Book of Romans in the Bible’s New Testament. The verses explain the Christian’s requirement to submit to governing authorities.

“Let every person be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God. Therefore whoever resists the authorities resists what God has appointed, and those who resist will incur judgment.”

The Alberta government is not persecuting this church building; Neither are its members being persecuted. They can worship Jesus Christ outside of a church building. The Early Church of the Book of Acts fellowshipped with God from house to house.

The so-called pandemic has not stopped me from worshipping my Lord and Saviour and it has not stopped me fellowshipping with God in my home and prayer closet.

The real issue here is church buildings fighting to retain their control of their business plans and the income they need to pay for the upkeep of their operations. Some of the most successful churches in the world are underground without all the bells and whistles. This pandemic is a good opportunity for the one church of born-again Christians in Medicine Hat to prepare themselves for a time when they too will have to go underground. When I speak of the church at Medicine Hat, I am not talking of buildings; I’m speaking about a Body of Believers.

The local church at Medicine Hat may have to get used to this situation for many more months, or years. The pandemic would go away a lot quicker if we’d get down on our knees in our prayer closets and plead mercy before God Almighty. We can’t place our faith in godless leaders and institutions anymore than our dear police chief can rely on AHS.

John Stanley

Medicine Hat

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Fedup Conservative
Fedup Conservative
3 years ago

I agree also and those that have been ignoring the law could be in for a huge surprise when they find out their license plate numbers are being collected to be used for fines, or lawsuits.
There is nothing intelligent about these phony conservative MLAs ignoring their own law and inviting unmasked people into their towns bringing the covid virus with them.
There is certainly nothing intelligent about them slashing taxes for the rich and cutting health care and teaching jobs either, but they are planning to do it.

3 years ago

Fedup, the resident infectious disease expert at coffee row. You must be dashing in your lab coat. I think I remember reading about you and Lougheed curing the great plague of the 70’s.

Last edited 3 years ago by yomouse