March 18th, 2025

Letter: None of this would have happened under Peter Lougheed’s watch

By Letter to the Editor on February 13, 2021.

Dear editor,

It’s no secret that after the Reformers, starting with Ralph Klein, gained control of our beloved Alberta Conservative Party it’s been one disaster after another.

By destroying Peter Lougheed’s royalty and tax structures Albertans have lost hundreds of billions in revenues. By destroying his regulations they created the orphan wells mess for our children, farmers and ranchers to deal with and the possible coal pollution of our water supply, and they don’t care.

After trying to destroy the provincial parks Lougheed created for our enjoyment, they tried to destroy the rural health-care system he created to protect the well-being of rural Albertans. By running off the doctors they would have an excuse to shut their facilities down. Retired doctors state that it would definitely put lives at risk, and once again they don’t care.

If all that wasn’t bad enough some of us feel that their incompetence in the handling of the COVID crisis has cost some Albertans their lives. Ignoring the requests of doctors was the norm. Apparently they are a lot smarter than them.

Add in the ignorant display in the giving away of $1.5 billion of taxpayer money after President Joe Biden couldn’t have made his intentions any clearer in the Keystone XL pipeline case, but it’s not their money and they don’t care. Once again it’s all Trudeau’s fault and Kenney wants his money back. I can’t see other Canadians being that stupid, can you?

All in all we have seen enough of these phoney conservatives, deliberately destroying what our conservative hero Peter Lougheed created for us. We know none of this would have happened under Lougheed’s watch.

There is certainly nothing conservative about any of them and this insanity needs to stop now, before they destroy all of us.

Alan K. Spiller


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