March 19th, 2025

Letter: We need an election, Mr. Premier

By Letter to the Editor on January 16, 2021.

Dear editor,

Sadly, the pandemic has exposed two ugly truths that exist with our elected officials.

Firstly, double standards do exist with our elected officials – which is a no-no at the best of times.

Secondly, our premiers in Canada are disconnected from the populace.

The double standards I refer to are the international MLA travellers. Their utter disregard for their own guidelines serves only to illustrate the indifference they have for you, me and their Premier. These self-serving individuals have brought disgrace to their constituents, the medical profession, to all Albertans and most importantly, to themselves. They are basically ‘inept.’

Our premier stated, “Albertans want real consequences for their actions.” Well, Mr. Premier, a slap on the wrist is not a real consequence. I resent these people remaining on the payroll and being overpaid with my tax dollars. Hello, Biff, Biff – do you hear me?

We need an election, Mr. Premier. Only then will Albertans tell you what they really want. You owe that to us. Call an election today.

Jim Walker


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