March 19th, 2025

Letter: Look to Canada before judging the U.S.

By Letter to the Editor on December 26, 2020.

Dear editor,

The contentious editorials authored by Messrs. Peter Mueller and Fred Lewis and published in the News on Nov. 27 warrant response.

What an abomination these letters are; Canadians slandering an American President who continually demonstrates his love of country, while we in Canada are governed by a divisive, apathetic “great reset” globalist in Justin Trudeau, an individual who cares more about his pretentious international image, than the collective wellbeing of Canadians.

Donald Trump for all his misgivings (in particular his tweets) brought the US back from the brink of economic disaster by bolstering their economy to a point where job creation, middle and lower class wealth and industrial capability and capacity grew at record rates; further, he has initiated and directed the greatest medical achievement of our time with the rapid development of a COVID-19 vaccine that one day, we Canadians will benefit from, in spite of Trudeau’s incompetence and mismanagement of the procurement and distribution process.

Messrs. Mueller and Lewis have obviously formed their opinions from the writings of left-wing propagandists and four years of continual media misinformation, misdirected blame and outright lies about the Trump administration. If for one moment you two individuals, along with your left-wing accomplices directed your energies toward cleaning up our still accumulating “pile of feces” that are the liberal corruption scandals, Canada would benefit immeasurably.

The “swamp dwelling” pretentious one himself, Justin Trudeau, supported by his NDP cohort, the slippery swerving Jagmeet Singh, provides clear insight into the disaster that is the blending of socialist Marxist idealism, with apathetic left-wing idiocy.

Moreover, Trudeau is the one, who on three occasions was found to be in violation of the “conflict of interest” act, including the irrefutable amassing of hundreds of thousands of dollars by family members; and we don’t even know the half of it because Trudeau prorogued parliament in efforts to stymie the investigative process.

And what of Singh, well he and the NDP continue to prop up the elitist Trudeau government. Now there’s a conundrum for the NDP socialist movement, propping up Laurentian Liberal elitism; I didn’t realize this formed the nucleus of the NDP political platform, but apparently it does.

This liberal government, assisted by pathetic NDP “cling-ons,” are causing irreparable harm to democracy as we know it, and individuals like you two are aiding and abetting those efforts by focussing your collective attention on Donald Trump rather than the “made in Canada” Trudeau ethics scandals and the “great reset” that is about to destroy our way of life. The followers of left-wing ideology and Marxist dogma need to get their communal heads out of the sand and start focussing on the real problems in this country, and not the misdirection plays perpetrated by media sources toward Trump. I have many US friends; some of whom despise Trump and some who adore the man for what he has done for the US. I have consideration for both positions because this is their President, not ours. What I can’t respect is the irresponsible misinformation disseminated by Canadian media and people like you toward Trump while Trudeau gets the Biden “free pass” treatment from you two, the CBC, CTV, print consortia, Laurentian elite and friends in the NDP, all of which is destroying the very fabric of this nation.

Ken Pirie

Medicine Hat

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4 years ago

Excellent letter. The day Trump was elected, well even before that, the left-wing media went on a hate-fest against him. And when they couldn’t find something to complain about politically, they attacked his hair, his weight, his wife, his son, even the soda he drank. And the sheep ate it up. And now the media has set their sights on Mr. Kenney. Trudeau and Notley are awful and yes, they are getting the free pass, along with “Person of the Year’, the utterly useless for 47 year and counting, Joe Biden

Last edited 4 years ago by InsaneLeftie