March 19th, 2025

Letter: A leader does what is best for everyone

By Letter to the Editor on December 8, 2020.

An open letter to Jason Kenney:

A true leader wants the best for all citizens. A true leader inspires unity during a crisis and puts the well-being of citizens before partisan politics.

A true leader does not spread false information to further his or her political goals.

From the beginning of the pandemic you have focused on dividing Albertans when we need to be strong and work together more than ever, deriding the federal government when they have reached out to support us and pandering to a narrow group of separatist followers.

You refuse to let us have the federal COVID app, which is a right for all Canadians. The Alberta app that you paid $1 million for is ineffective and Alberta is unable to trace the origin of many infections.

You and your government are systematically stripping Albertans of their actual constitutional rights while you distract them by gaslighting and stirring the pot of divisiveness. You are denying frontline workers federal COVID-19 funding by refusing to work with our federal government. By not tightening restrictions on business you are denying the CERB benefit to those who voluntarily chose to close or limit their business.

A tough lockdown now would do much less damage to the economy than the longer lockdown that will be required if cases are allowed to multiply.

You grab our pensions without consultation, rip up Doctor’s contracts again without consultation, remove safety standards for workers, criminalize peaceful protest, refuse to enforce masking stating that you don’t want to infringe on “rights.” Wearing masks is not about rights and is not any more political than stopping at red lights. You are making it political to satisfy your personal desire for power.

You pretend that further measures would violate the Charter of Rights and Freedoms but we know you are not that naive. It is clear that you are not at all concerned about the rights or the wellbeing of Albertans.

We see right through you!

Carolyn Schoepp

Drayton Valley

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