March 19th, 2025

Please Medicine Hat, do your part

By Letter to the Editor on December 3, 2020.

Dear editor,

Cases of COVID-19 are going up rapidly in our city.

I would like to be able to say I’m shocked but unfortunately, I cannot.

When I hear about people still hosting parties for their teenagers two days after the new restrictions come in about having no social gatherings, it is infuriating.

Black Friday was a lesson in what not to do as well. Minimal masks, no social distancing, crowded halls. It’s no wonder our cases are going up.

People aren’t listening to Dr. Hinshaw and the medical experts anymore and are just doing whatever the heck they want to, consequences be damned.

Why are parents hosting parties for their kids and why are the parents of those kids allowing them to go?

Nobody wants to have to deal with this anymore but with people disregarding the restrictions we will never get this under control.

We have zero leadership from the province so this has to fall on us to take care of.

Please Medicine Hat, stay home, live within the restrictions and think of others. We all want our lives back.

Jackie Steele

Medicine Hat

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