March 19th, 2025

Our corner has been forgotten once again

By Letter to the Editor on November 28, 2020.

Dear editor,

Early this week many of us waited with the faint hope that we had not been forgotten.

Alas we are again in the lonely shadows of being the forgotten corner of Alberta by our premier and provincial government. Our mayor and some councillors, sadly, have chosen to delay, defer and silently watch as the rising waters of COVID take our city. Like a flood, government must prepare when it knows the water is rising, not wait for the water to be neck level. If city council had waited this long in past flood situations much of our city would be in ruins.

We are virtually the only major city without a mask bylaw. Those cities acted because of the province’s abdication. The premier knew that. He chose to look the other way with respect to Medicine Hat.

Mr. Ken Kobly (formerly of Medicine Hat), executive director of the Alberta Chambers of Commerce, was interviewed by CBC on Thursday. His comments were measured and constructive.

He urged Albertans to wear a mask and noted that mask legislation aides small business in dealing with the very few who have been abusive to owners and employees who ask customers to wear masks. By doing so we help small business mitigate the risk and calamity of another hard lockdown.

To those elected officials who say they need to do more research, one must ask how much more do you need? There is so much writing on the wall that the wall is about to fall down. No amount of additional research will change the fact that Elvis is truly dead.

Finally, I urge all our residents to buy local as often as you can and support small business. And to all of our elected officials, I say thank you for your service. This leadership stuff can be challenging and difficult.

Bob Wanner

Medicine Hat

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