March 19th, 2025

The democratic process has spoken… thankfully

By Letter to the Editor on November 27, 2020.

Dear editor,

The potential tyrant and proven dog has been defeated by the democratic process which, though imperfect, has proven its worth.

His defeat shows that his extreme brand of conservatism of personal freedom and unfettered capitalism will not fly.

The last four years of irrationality and chaos unfortunately emboldened a huge portion of the world’s population, including many Albertans, to follow him with potentially disastrous results.

Our two local MLAs and their leader, and our local MP, have exhibited alarming sympathy with the views of the departed animal, whose base of evangelical fundamentalists trailed in ignorance behind him.

Political philosophy is almost always informed by religious philosophy.

It is disturbing to know that some politicians take their inspiration from a playbook whose new parts are two thousand years out of date and whose old parts are four thousand. They eschew science. It scares Hell into them. They are dangerous.

Conservatives are slow learners.

Fred Lewis

Medicine Hat

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4 years ago

Leftists are non-learners. In fact, there is a generation of young people indoctrinated into neo-liberalism that only know how to play video games and jump from one social media platform to the next. Then do some online social justice “warrioring” and feel like they have accomplished something. Oh and Conservatives embrace science btw, Liberals embrace nothing, they are simply just too lazy to do so.