March 19th, 2025

Long way to go to end systemic racism

By Letter to the Editor on July 11, 2020.

Here we are in the midst of huge protests, riots, and other actions which are intended to do away with systemic racism for any reason. But it seems even the legitimate articles can’t get it right.

Just today it was announced that Alberta is getting a new lieutenant governor who will be the first Muslim lieutenant governor in Canada.

If we were really interested in doing away with racism, the fact that she is Muslim should’ve never been in the article. And therein even the main stream media can’t get it right. We just don’t get it.

The article should have extolled her philanthropy and business success and the successful person that she is.

The byline should’ve read “Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has named business owner and philanthropist Salma Lakhani as Alberta’s new lieutenant-governor.”

That’s it – that’s all.

Being Muslim should have never entered the discussion.

Looks like we have a long long way to go in getting rid of systemic racism.

Lutz Perschon

Medicine Hat

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Fedup Conservative
Fedup Conservative
4 years ago

Not only that Lutz when it was announced in the Calgary Herald the resulting sarcastic comments hurled at Trudeau and her in the blog to their letters, confirms what you are saying. I’m betting most of them were coming from our fellow seniors who seem to be brainwashed into believing you automatically bash the NDP, or Liberals for anything they do, while they support a well known Liberal turned Reformer who is prepared to make their lives a living hell while he runs many more of our doctors out of the province like his Liberal friend Ralph Klein did.
Sadly just to dumb to understand it. Once again we hear them saying that it’s wonderful that Kenney is getting rid of these highly overpaid doctors, nurses and teachers forgetting of course that it’s a well known fact that on average all Albertans have been known to be some of the highest paid in Canada including them.

4 years ago

Don’t blame you a bit for being fed up. Many Albertans seem to have a superiority complex from being gaslighted by Kenney, Shandro, and many others.

4 years ago

What a nit wit! “Muslim” refers to her religion, not her race.

4 years ago

Misogyny, anti semitism, racism, islamophobia are all alive and well in Alberta, especially the Rural and smaller communities. . Criticism of someone who comments on racism and uses muslim shows intolerence and prejudice as well.

Fedup Conservative
Fedup Conservative
4 years ago

@Code It doesn’t matter how many times you tell many of our fellow seniors these aren’t true Conservatives they call us names for not supporting them and believe every lie Kenney feeds them. I’m certain you would agree they are nothing like the true conservatives we supported under Lougheed and Getty.