March 19th, 2025

Small businesses need help now

By Letter to the Editor on May 8, 2020.

I am a proud Medicine Hat Small Business Owner for 9 years.

The Corona Virus has affected many people, businesses small and big and is affecting all our lives.

We all are in a very difficult situation. The government is doing the best they can in a very short period of time to help many people, business and more.

But us,,, the very small local Business (many of us) are not getting any help whatsoever from government cause we are not eligible on their programs.

We are local and we are the blood of the Town, we are the ones that are always there with open hearts when organization comes around for donations, raffles, charity events, help and support.

We need help now! We will not survive and we will be forced to close permanently or by bankruptcy if we don’t get help now.

We need assistance now. The struggle is real and we are weeks away from having to close our doors.

I don’t qualify, like many of us, to any of the Federal or Provincial government funding ,,,, this is just not right.

We are now called the business falling in the crack,,,, we can’t let this happen.

It’ very important that this is addressed, we need HELP NOW! Not in a month or two, we won’t make it. We need help now!

Thank you,

Laurie Ann Cameron Andjelic

Owner Laurie Ann’s Fashion Boutique

Medicine Hat

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Maurice Shabatsky
Maurice Shabatsky
4 years ago

How is it that Walmart can stay open and sell cheap, made-in-China garbage and clothing while small, locally-owned businesses such as Laurie Ann’s are forced to shut their doors?

4 years ago

Ms. Cameron Andjelic, not something that your business suffers from but many local business owners are in need of some crucial ‘what does the customer want’ training……such as an enjoyable experience while they shop, upto date atmosphere, reasonable prices and most of all CONVIENIENT shopping hours…as many households have both adults working the only times they do have to shop are evenings and weekends which includes SUNDAYS. Please MH local businesses come into the 19th century!