March 19th, 2025

To heck with the Swiss, Canada’s health care is the best

By Letter to the Editor on April 1, 2020.

American proponents of for-profit health care love to talk about Switzerland’s private system, where it seems everyone is blissfully buying private insurance and getting great health care. But does Switzerland’s private health insurance scheme really run like a fine Swiss watch? 

The Swiss government guarantees health care for all of its citizens by regulating the private insurance industry; noticeably different from a country like the U.S. where health insurers operate with impunity, resulting in millions of under-insured Americans; many with no health coverage at all. 

Not surprisingly, Switzerland’s privatized health care system is one of the most expensive in the world, and the costs keep rising. The Swiss public are on the hook for hefty compulsory insurance premiums, with up-front out-of-pocket expenses like deductibles and co-pays, not to mention stiff penalties for those who fail to pay their premiums. Everybody pays the same insurance rates, rich or poor, young or old, leaving many moderate to low income Swiss, (in spite of state subsidies), submerged by their insurance costs. 

Like other countries that lean on private enterprise to deliver health care, the Swiss have discovered that keeping the lid on spiralling costs, risk selection and profit-making isn’t easy, as private interests become powerful enough to manipulate the system.

While Swiss-style health care, despite its shortcomings, would almost certainly be an improvement over America’s crappy privatized health system, Canadians need only show health cards for access to care. Perhaps the Americans should be talking about Canada’s public Medicare instead.

Dave Volume

Coleman, Alta.

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Fedup Conservative
Fedup Conservative
4 years ago

Dave has nailed it. As my American relatives state “Don’t let anyone destroy your Public Health Care system, trust me you don’t want ours”. It’s the number one cause of bankruptcies in the U. S.

Now while these Reformers try to force it upon us we have to fight to make certain they don’t. It was Ralph Klein and Ed Stelmach who warned us that it was Stephen Harper’s hidden agenda to privatize our system and his budget in 2012 proved it. His plan was to cut $35 billion off the provinces federal funding, forcing into a privatized situation. While Ralph Klein using reform party policies closed hospitals, closed 1,500 hospital beds and cut 5,000 nursing positions trying to force it upon us. Now Kenney is planning on doing the same thing. Are you going to help us make certain he doesn’t?

Klein was forced into early retirement when he tried to do it.