March 19th, 2025

Being the voice for many can make you a target

By Letter to the Editor on March 5, 2020.

I can say that most Albertans are ashamed of the disgusting Greta decal that made news recently and that it reflects not only on Alberta but all of Canada.

I also advocate and I learned that when one stands in front of the line they put a target on their back. I learned this because I’ve advocated for many political issues in other provinces. In time I learned just how big that target was going to be in Alberta.

My advocacy in Alberta is about service dogs. I advocate for better public access and the human rights of people with disabilities that utilize service dogs. I’ve had my share of attacks toward me and about me.

I’ve been attacked and insulted by people that do not understand service dogs or invisible disabilities. I’ve been attacked by the very people I am trying to help and my work has nothing to do with me. I already have a service dog and I also have public access rights through government appeals and human rights cases. But the worst was when a former Alberta MLA told me the government police were going to come and put me and Annie in a straitjacket.

So when we have government officials in Alberta attacking advocates it’s not that far of a stretch to have it in our society.

Does Greta, myself or any other advocate deserve the darts being thrown at us? No.

No matter what the advocate’s cause is, they have a right to do advocate for it.

I will close with the most important fact that people fail to recognize. Every benefit you have, every labour law, or holiday you enjoy and every human right you have always started with one person: “The advocate.”

Greta, on behalf of many Albertans I want to apologize and please be the voice for too many that are silent.

Lester Landry

Redcliff, Alta.

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Homer the Conservative
Homer the Conservative
5 years ago

First, I want to state that I agree that this decal of Greta was an outrageous, disgusting and vile display that not one person I know (regardless of political stripe) condones. I hope most people around the world understand that this is not the accepted view of the citizens of Alberta or Canada but rather the actions of a couple disturbed individuals. While I adamantly disagree with Greta’s views, violence has no place in advocating for, or against people with whom one disagrees.

I also want to thank you for advocating for Service dogs and the people that need them. I believe that they serve an important function in society. Service dogs have an instict to protect and nuture the people they are assigned and in many cases make the quality of life for people with a disability much greater.

Fedup Conservative
Fedup Conservative
5 years ago

Let me guess Les it was mostly seniors who attacked you, just like we saw when we tried to stop Ralph Klein from destroying us, and what we are seeing with Jason Kenney. A retired RCMP officer said it best “These seniors aren’t any smarter than the ones we had to deal with who weren’t smart enough to avoid becoming targets of the con-artists who were stealing their life’s savings. The only difference is that they are letting a political party, help their rich friends do it”.

Les Landry
Les Landry
5 years ago

I will say this, the former MLA that made the straitjacket remark was in his advanced years.”


But the worst was when a former Alberta MLA told me the government police were going to come and put me and Annie in a straitjacket.