March 19th, 2025

Ruminations on determining right from wrong

By Letter to the Editor on March 4, 2020.

Disclaimer: Tumours in my brain, not the devil, made me do it. They (the tumours, not the devils) are brilliant white on my CAT scan, likely causing synaptic malfunctions. So this is satire, for those who need it to be.

Fear of death made man invent god or gods. Most humans fear a permanent end to our existence. So newly aware-of-death man created supernatural beings that offer eternal life. Nice deal, but it’s a give to get. The promise of eternal life, if you park your critical thinking.

The wise inventors appointed themselves as the invented gods’ representatives on Earth. The divine right of kings, the popes, the archbishops, the high priests, et al. My apologies to others. I shan’t intend to shun any poohbahs, including Winnie.

And verily did they the holy sanctioned greatly prosper in the power of armies and acquiring lands and riches unto themselves and their royal families. For they had better, bluer blood than the rabbling, common plebeians. Just ask the paparazzi.

Any person with thoughts and actions contrary to the god-inventors were to be imprisoned or killed or both by the gilt-favoured, appointed ones.

The poor were poor because gods’ meant them to be poor. The rich were rich because, well, you know.

The wise men who created the churches of the invented gods, meanwhile, did much good and much evil. History brims with beautiful edifices and squalid horrors.

But how many atheists ever congregated to help the hungry, poor of body and spirit, downtrodden, luckless other humans? Faith in gods, whether invented or not, has and is helping thousands if not millions around the world.

Humanistic groups also do tremendous good. And rich countries give aid to help poorer countries causing bad feelings because there are still poor in the rich countries so charity “should” begin (and stay?) at home.

So can we be good without god or gods? My brain bends to believe virtuous humans with strong ethics, morals and values can. Where, however, are we to access these virtues? Do we need coda from holy books to determine right from wrong?

That sage philosopher-actor Mr. T from “The A-Team” TV show said, “You gotta’ believe in something, or you’ll fall for anything.” He also said, “Pity the fool!”

Again, more questions than answers. And it’s only my opinion. I realize other people’s opinions are facts and unassailable truth. I’m an apologetic Canadian, so I’ll say sorry to anyone I’ve upset by this worthless drivel.

Ray Marco

Dunmore, Alta.

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