March 20th, 2025

We should all wonder about the next election

By Letter to the Editor on February 26, 2020.

Re: “What will it take for Albertans to be concerned?,” Feb. 10

I read the letter to the editor and want say there are likely very many Albertans who feel very much like Lester Landry does. I agree with everything in his letter including when he wonders how anyone can “go to church on Sunday and then persecute some of the most vulnerable in society on Monday?”

But, we all should wonder, and perhaps end up wondering some more if the UCP wins the next provincial election. When the present UCP government’s MLAs include folks that had been realtors and managed to secure all kinds of rental property and do not have the greatest reputation for benevolence (and that is putting it mildly) and some people who seem to lean toward gross exaggerations when citing examples of the high costs that a church is facing with the NDP’s carbon tax, then one really shouldn’t expect that that government is particularly concerned with the “lower than low income” stratum’s ever worsening situation.

As always, when ever any “body” that claims to have a conservative platform and then proceeds to enact “money saving” initiatives one can count on it that those who are at the lowest rung on the income ladder, like for example those folks on AISH, will get it right in the neck.

After all, how much voting power does that block of voters have compared to the many who are quite comfortable and don’t really care much about the ever decreasing income of those being left behind?

Maybe, just maybe, next election a party that perhaps gets itself into debt but also cares for more than just the well off will be returned to “power,” if that is the proper word.

Ted Kohlmetz

Medicine Hat

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Fedup Conservative
Fedup Conservative
5 years ago

Don’t forget Ted how he cut the health care benefits to 60,000 of our fellow seniors. My friends and I wonder how many of them were foolish enough to have voted for him?

It reminds me of my sister. After voting for Harper he lied about the Income Trusts and it cost her $30,000.

Les Landry
Les Landry
5 years ago

My Feb 10th “Letter to the Editor.”
What will it take for Albertans to be concerned?
Has anybody figured out that by the second year of the Alberta war room, it will be the people on AISH paying for 100% of it? This is only possible because the UCP deindexed AISH.
That is only the second year of deindexation. How much will the third and fourth years be costing the people with disabilities on AISH? My math for the fourth year estimates it will be about $145 per month.
And while the UCP claims AISH is the highest in the country, I will point out that the Alberta MLAs are also the highest paid in Canada.
The line from the bottom to the privilege is getting stretched beyond the breaking point.
I have two questions: What kind of person can go to church on Sunday and then persecute some of the most vulnerable in society on Monday? What kind of church are these people going to?
Any government ceases to be civilized when it perverts its authority to abuse the people it is elected to serve.Â
First, it will be the weak, sick, old and vulnerable that get abused and then it will be the people that look after them. The nurses, teachers, doctors, front line workers like the police, housing and homeless workers and the list is climbing.
Let me ask: When will you be concerned? Only when they come for you? When you can’t insure your car? Because let me remind you, we are already at that point and it will only get worse.

Les Landry
Redcliff, Alta.