March 20th, 2025

Blockades a perfect distraction for Kenney, UCP

By Letter to the Editor on February 26, 2020.

Don’t follow the distraction by Energy Minister Sonya Savage that Alberta’s war room is under attack by organized activists and “green left.”

This message was very intentional and is a smoke and mirrors puppet show they want people to follow.

First, the war room has nothing to do with oil and gas, it is a propaganda holding cell to collect information on any future candidates. And by the time anyone announces their intention to run in the election, the UCP will have information on them that even their moms forgot about.

Second, I still believe Premier Jason Kenney had something to do with the people doing these blockades. It creates the “perfect excuse” to feed the anger machine towards Ottawa and Trudeau.

I find it more than coincidental this started soon after he went to Montreal. We are talking about a political master of deflection and distraction. This is the same person that claims he had nothing to do with the illegal manipulation of a leadership race. Have you ever noticed he’s never said it didn’t happen, he has always said he didn’t know it happened? That is master manipulation and he has proven he is capable of it.

Third, The Alberta Throne Speech was yesterday and beforehand and not a peep or any speculation as to what may be in it from the media. All we are hearing about is the blockades and Kenney is the one leading that charge.

In closing, these blockades are the perfect distraction for the UCP. And while this may sound like a plot to a bad Ian Fleming book, the reality is, we are now at the point where we cannot trust our government and that my friends is the real issue.

Lester Landry

Redcliff, Alta.

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Fedup Conservative
Fedup Conservative
5 years ago

Once more Les has nailed it. My friends and I find it hilarious that Kenney can convince these ignorant Albertans that our oil industry is under attach by all these foreign companies when it was the foreign companies who built our oil industry and literally own it. Have you noticed none of the foreign companies involved in our oil industry have shown any concern about it? Of course it’s just another one of his diversions, while he destroys our health care and education systems. While he claims we don’t have a revenue problem only a spending problem, he gives huge tax breaks to his rich friends and convinces these ignorant Albertans that destroying the careers of doctors, nurses and teachers is necessary. How stupid does he think we are? Sadly he knows how stupid we are he got elected didn’t he?

I think Les is right he wants this pipeline to fail. He certainly wasn’t man enough to go talk to the Indian Chiefs involved to explain to them why we need it and what’s in it for them.. It’s so much easier to blame it all on Notley and Trudeau.

Les Landry
Les Landry
5 years ago

“, the reality is, we are now at the point where we cannot trust our government and that my friends is the real issue.”

5 years ago

Got that tin foil hat on super tight I see! The loony left strikes again. You seriously think Jason Kenney got the protesters in B.C. and Ontario organized for his benefit?!! And the government we cannot trust is Trudeau and his Liberals. Worst prime minister in Canadian history, he divided the country in record time.

Les Landry
Les Landry
5 years ago
Reply to  InsaneLeftie

Impala, I still see you are afraid of your own words and decide to be a keyboard child hiding under the cloak of anonymity.
The point that you seem to miss is the last statement…
“We are talking about a political master of deflection and distraction. This is the same person that claims he had nothing to do with the illegal manipulation of a leadership race. Have you ever noticed he’s never said it didn’t happen, he has always said he didn’t know it happened? That is master manipulation and he has proven he is capable of it.”
That’s one issue, you didn’t want touch…

Fedup Conservative
Fedup Conservative
5 years ago

Actually the guy gives us all us a good laugh at coffee. While he accuses anyone who doesn’t share his lack of intelligence as being left he’s the guy supporting the Liberal and looking like a damn fool doing it. Of course he has never checked into Jason Kenney’s background because he doesn’t want to know the truth he can’t handle the truth.

He reminds me of the guy who told me that I shouldn’t bad mouth our fellow seniors , I should pity them , because they really are that stupid. I’m sorry but I don’t have any pity for seniors who refuse to believe the facts and like Kenney show no respect for our doctors, nurses and teachers and are willing to help Kenney to deliberately destroy their careers, like they helped Klein do.

I find it hilarious the even Ralph Klein called their new Liberal hero a liar, because that’s what he is. Anyone who is dumb enough to believe his lie that we don’t have a revenue shortage needs to get their head read.

Here is something for his supporters to read “ Ralph Klein accused Lobby Jason Kenney Lead of Spreading Lies and Robbing Seniors” I know they won’t read it they can’t handle the truth. But I keep rubbing it in as lawyers taught me to do.

Fedup Conservative
Fedup Conservative
5 years ago

Actually the guy gives us all us a good laugh at coffee. While he accuses anyone who doesn’t share his lack of intelligence as being left he’s the guy supporting the Liberal and looking like a damn fool doing it. Of course he has never checked into Jason Kenney’s background because he doesn’t want to know the truth he can’t handle the truth.

He reminds me of the guy who told me that I shouldn’t bad mouth our fellow seniors , I should pity them , because they really are that stupid. I’m sorry but I don’t have any pity for seniors who refuse to believe the facts and like Kenney show no respect for our doctors, nurses and teachers and are willing to help Kenney to deliberately destroy their careers, like they helped Klein do.

I find it hilarious that even Ralph Klein called their new Liberal hero a liar, because that’s what he is. Anyone who is dumb enough to believe his lie that we don’t have a revenue shortage needs to get their head.