March 20th, 2025

It’s no wonder province, feds are in the mess they’re in

By Letter to the Editor on February 19, 2020.

So between myopic left and right wing think tanks, politicians who waste their time and our money trading hypocritical cheap shots, is it no wonder that Alberta is in such a mess and the feds are not much better.

More than 20 years ago the provincial government of the time at the bidding of think tanks spent a great deal of time and money to attract and keep doctors and nurses. Now that we all have access to a family doctor and the hospitals have experienced nurses to care for us, the Alberta Federation of Taxpayers along with easily led politicians are going to run off the doctors and nurses to “save” money. So in another 20 years these same think tanks will bleat about the lack of doctors and nurses and the politicians will blow more of our money attracting doctors and nurses again.

Meanwhile back at the farm also known as the Alberta legislature the immature residents are playing the blame game while Albertans watch with incredulity at the blatant hypocrisy.

Ian Parkinson

Medicine Hat

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Fedup Conservative
Fedup Conservative
5 years ago

While Jason Kenney whines about what health care is costing us he wants to privatize some of it and make the cost even higher. Where is the intelligence in that? The fact is the reason why we are spending so much is that we are still trying to fix the mess Klein created when he ran off 14,783 health care workers. We still have a huge shortage of doctors and nurses which is why our wait times are some of the worst in Canada and Kenney is only going to make it worse.