March 20th, 2025

Mayor has a part to play in finding an appropriate SCS location

By Letter to the Editor on February 7, 2020.

Re: “No chance for city supervised consumption funds: mayor,” Jan. 30

Regarding Mayor Clugston’s firm belief that “treatment and recovery is the only way” in rejecting the idea of a supervised consumption site in Medicine Hat let me state the following.

The South Zone Medical Administrative Committee passed a unanimous motion of support for the establishment of a supervised consumption site in Medicine Hat in September 2018. This was part of the provincial AHS Harm Reduction Strategy. This was fully supported by every medical leader in the South Zone (SZMAC), by the South Zone Medical Staff, and by AHS.

The rationale being that detoxification facilities are less than 15% effective in the long term. The thought was to keep people at risk alive long enough so that appropriate treatment can be given time to work.

I agree that the city should not be funding this but the province refuses to do so because of the prejudices of Premier Kenney, among others. Mayor Clugston should take his argument to the UCP government for which he campaigned.

I also agree that no one wants this in their neighbourhood. However, unless we plan to abandon those people who need us the most when they are most vulnerable, then it is up to him to find a site in town that is the most appropriate.

Alternatively, I would ask that he attend the funeral of every overdose victim, from today forward. And he should bring his pal Jason. Then they can explain their stances to the victims’ families (their citizens).

Dr. Bill Ruzycki

Medicine Hat

Chair South Zone Medical Administrative Committee (2016-19) (2016-2019)

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