March 20th, 2025

Mutual benefits to allowing younger people in Veiner Centre

By Letter to the Editor on February 1, 2020.

Re: “Let the seniors run the Veiner Centre,” Jan. 13

In his letter Robert Tetz questions the motivation behind allowing young people to attend duplicate bridge lessons at the Veiner Centre.

As a Veiner Centre member and budding bridge player, I appreciate being able to learn alongside such a pleasant group of engaged, courteous and intelligent young adults. These people in no way create any form of disruption to any users of the facility.

Many studies have shown that when seniors are given the opportunity to interact with younger generations, there are mutual benefits for both age groups, emotionally, intellectually and socially.

Certainly there are potential benefits for this bridge club in the recruitment and education of new players, but one must realize that a vibrant and growing bridge club benefits the very seniors the Veiner Centre is meant to serve. It is beneficial to the Veiner Centre to engage these younger people so they can help champion and advocate for the Veiner Centre on behalf of those currently using it. If they can see the value of the facility at their age, they can help take steps to ensure that it is available for the generations to follow.

Michele Winger

Medicine Hat

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