March 20th, 2025

Service helps readers be responsible citizens

By Letter to the Editor on January 24, 2020.

Re: “Laying it Out: In a world of spin and lies, you can still see the truth,” Jan. 4

On the editorial page of every edition of the News is a quote from Thomas Jefferson. It reminds us of the value which a free and responsible press has for a society, such as ours, which is based on a generally well-functioning democracy. The Jan. 4 column by Scott Schmidt illustrates well the truth behind the Jefferson quote. That editorial also stands as a good example of an informed, free press publicly giving a government the rough ride it deserves for deceit and corruption.

Schmidt used the UCP government’s own public information about funding changes for Children’s Services and for health care to show that the two cabinet ministers attempting to defend those funding changes are either lying or uninformed. This is a matter of fact, and not a matter of opinion. Schmidt used critical thinking to show UCP corruption in their firing of Lorne Gibson, the Elections Commissioner who was investigating them and who had already found some of them guilty. That corruption is a matter of law, and not a matter of opinion.

To Scott Schmidt and to the News I say thank you, and please keep on being observant and constructively critical. Your service helps readers be responsible citizens by providing information and critical analysis needed to assess the work of and to condemn the corruption and duplicity of an irresponsible provincial government.

Gregory R. Côté

Irvine, Alta.

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Fedup Conservative
Fedup Conservative
5 years ago

Great comments Gregory. Then we have our senior friends who , like you and me, just can’t believe how stupid many of our fellow seniors are. They believe every lie Jason Kenney feeds them. Their lack of intelligence is amazing. Apparently they can’t wait to be cleaned out of their money so they can line up at the food banks. Everywhere you turn people are worried about what Kenney is deliberately doing to us, but these fools don’t care. The mayors certainly do they know the mess he is creating for them. They will have to increase our property taxes by a huge amount just to survive. These senior fools just aren’t smart enough to understand what it will do to them. We saw it with Klein and then listened to all their whining when they couldn’t get medical help when they needed it. It cost some of them their lives.

5 years ago

Well said, Gregory.