March 20th, 2025

Can we survive this government?

By Letter to the Editor on January 24, 2020.

The thing about the provincial government that is the most frightening is they are shaking the world of those who can least afford it, those us who have just a few dollars left in our bank accounts at the end of the month.

People who depend on not-for-profits for their sanity and general well being are scared at what the government is going to do next.

I am wondering if we can survive four years.

Diane MacNaughton

Redcliff, Alta.

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5 years ago

Oh no, the sky is falling, you better move to B.C. quickly. Or at least somewhere that you can get handouts!

Fedup Conservative
Fedup Conservative
5 years ago

Isn’t it too bad these ignorant seniors aren’t smart enough to understand what people like Diane are saying? Everywhere we go people are worried about what Kenney is doing especially our mayors but they don’t get it. They don’t care until it effects them directly. Property taxes are going to skyrocket, they have to with what Kenney is doing and while the rich continue to reap the benefits of our oil wealth and increased tax breaks these ignorant seniors will pay for their stupidity and sadly their stupidity is taking all of us with them. Watching Alaska and Norway continue to enjoy their oil wealth while we watch ours be given away is sickening to those of us from the world of finance , who had ties to the oil industry. We know what we could have had. Albertans really are the dumbest people on the planet as the American Oilmen working in Alberta have suggested over the years.

5 years ago

What this government has succeeded at doing – better than any before it – is to create a very strong “us-vs-them” mentality within the province. Not between the haves and have-nots. Not “for the government” or “against the government.” They’ve made it either you’re 100% “supportive of the oil and gas industry and everything about it” or “you’re against oil and gas and therefore an enemy of Alberta.” And they’ve built a war room out of our own taxpayer dollars to ensure that they can throw the weight of the non-profit, government funded, propaganda machine at you if you don’t buy the t-shirts and drink the Kool-Aid. All Kenney and his appointed thugs have to do is sit back and watch us duke it out. Their intention with this firehosing technique is that we will be so busy fighting each other we won’t notice how they’re stripping away our healthcare, our pensions, our education and our future, and ensuring that their regressive and fear-based policies pass in the Legislature. Remember who is running the show. Don’t get distracted by their smoke and mirrors. Albertans should be rioting in the streets in protest of the policies that are being imposed by this government. Kenney is purposefully throwing this province into a recession with his ill-conceived economic misadventures and it is going to get much worse. Where is the tipping point? When half the province is unemployed and without access to healthcare, or school, or housing? Alberta – where you’re either rich or you’re dead.

Fedup Conservative
Fedup Conservative
5 years ago

Well said tanamarie. Now tell this clown Impala what a fool he is. This guy thinks he is a genius when he is the laughing stock of all my conservative friends. However he does give us something to laugh about at coffee.