March 20th, 2025

There’s plenty buried in the ATB filing cabinets

By Letter to the Editor on January 16, 2020.

The Alberta Treasury Branch is a pseudo bank not regulated by the federal government under the Bank Act. It is solely a Crown corporation (department) of the UCP government.

Back in the 1980s under the leadership of conservative King Ralph (Ralph Klein) they blew $400 million on a West Edmonton Mall deal, gave Larry Ryckman, a Klein crony, $8.5 million (promptly went bankrupt), and lent money to Mrs. Klein and Mrs. Rod Love, wife of another Klein crony, to buy stocks in Multi Corp, with inside information they sold them just before the company went under.

Anyone remember the ALPAC mill, Spraypec? Jason Kenney now wants to put our billions in pension money into AIMCo (Alberta Investment Co) another version of the ATB, with no oversight. The ATB will never be privatized as there are far too many skeletons buried in the filing cabinets.

In Alberta Conservatives are actually liberals, liberals are socialists and the socialists are communists. At least with the commies you know they are going to steal your money and stand you against a wall.

If you want sources look at, “Banksters and Prairie Boys” by Monier M. Rahall and “Fix Canada” by Jeff Willerton

Ian Parkinson

Medicine Hat

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