March 22nd, 2025

Newspaper a platform for rational, civilized expression

By Letter to the Editor on December 23, 2019.

How delightful to start a weekend with the logical and thought-provoking editorial page essays by News staffers Jeremy Appel and Scott Schmidt on Dec. 14. This sort of thoughtful commentary is a welcome antidote to the partisan propaganda and polarized invective which too often passes for political dialogue today.

I particularly appreciate Appel’s mention of the “right to dissent” as a foundation of democratic society. Several recent letter writers have stressed their right to freedom of speech. One hopes they are reminded to extend the same freedom to those with whom they disagree.

As a child, I was taught that every right is accompanied by a responsibility. The right to speak your opinion, I suggest, comes with a responsibility to listen and consider the ideas of others. Surely in these trying times, we need public discussion of the widest possible spectrum of ideas. Slavish adherence to a particular social norm or economic strategy is not enough to meet constantly changing economic, social and political challenges.

Medicine Hat – unlike many cities of similar size – is fortunate to have a local daily newspaper of any sort. Many of my acquaintances truly appreciate having access to a media outlet which takes responsible journalism seriously.

So kudos to the entire editorial team at the News for providing our community with a platform for responsible, rational and civilized expression of alternative viewpoints. Keep it up in 2020! 

David Gue

Medicine Hat

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