March 28th, 2025

More to Scheer’s resignation than Motz lets on

By Letter to the Editor on December 18, 2019.

Re: “Motz applauds Scheer’s ‘depth of character,'” Dec. 13

Medicine Hat-Cardston-Warner MP Glen Motz believes that Andrew Scheer quit to spend more time with his young family and whom he applauds for making a very difficult decision.

Those more astute observe the revelation that party donors were, at least in part, paying the Conservative leader’s children’s private school fees and the fact that Scheer is unable to reconcile his laughable religious beliefs regarding homosexuality with modern political reality had a great deal to do with it.

That Motz also eschews this reality for his own theological imaginarium is no surprise. His 60-some years immersed in a fundamentalist echo chamber “has so rigged his empty sails that they are swelled by any piece of BS that wafts by” (C. Hitchens, more or less).

Fred Lewis

Medicine Hat

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Fedup Conservative
Fedup Conservative
5 years ago

Don’t forget Fred that it was Alberta conservatives who gave Albertans the highest private education fees in Canada, and former MLA Gary Mar was accused of spending $193,656. of taxpayers money on sending his children to private schools.

Being from the world of finance I would suggest everyone pull up and read the following article it shows how much money taxpayers paid to this guy, then multiply that by most of the MLAs under the Klein, Stelmach and Redford governments and it certainly explains how they were looking after their own well being and those of their rich friends while Alberta Taxpayers got screwed. Unfortunately many of our fellow seniors weren’t smart enough to realize what was happening to us, and refused to listen to what we were telling them.
“Tory leadership hopeful Gary Mar under fire for accepting $478.499. payout”.

5 years ago

More division and hatred from the leftie minority with too much time on their hands. Actually taking the time to hate on kids getting a decent education. Bet you think everything Trudeau does is just fine though.

Homer the Conservative
Homer the Conservative
5 years ago

Can’t miss a day insulting seniors, can you Fed Con?
The Conservative party already stated that they would help pay for Scheer’s kids private schooling since he had to move them from their home in Regina to Ottawa. So how is that a scandal? Made up scandal by the lefty media and perpetuated by NDP supporters like yourself.
I would be that if you were in politics at that level, you would want your kids protected. What could possibly happen to his kids if they were attending public school? Fed Con, you bring a new level of ignorance to these columns.
The author of this piece complains about Scheer’s religious views. Why is it wrong to have religious views? Or is that privilege restricted to only those whom follow religions other than Christianity?
Why are you not complaining about tax payers providing Trudeau with not one, but two nannies? Or paying for his rental home until his extravagant renovations to the Prime Ministers residence are completed?
Oh, that’s right, any one on the left can do what they want and everyone on the right is always to blame. Typical hypocrisy. I have come to expect nothing less from Fed Con.

5 years ago

Fred Lewis is as hateful as Peter Mueller, wonder if they are neighbours?!