March 28th, 2025

Where’s the concern about AISH payments?

By Letter to the Editor on December 16, 2019.

Hello, Albertans.

There have been lots posted about deindexing AISH.

How many people are aware of how much an increase at the cost of inflation would have cost Albertans?

The math is this:

46,000 x $32 = less than $1.5 million a year and less than $7million over four years.

Now Kenney’s so-called “war room” or propaganda room is $30 million and over $120 million for the next four years.

Remember every dollar people on AISH gets is spent in our local economy. We help the pharmacy, grocery store, gas stations, coffee shops and the list is endless. We help these businesses employ people, pay their bills and yes, for the small business owner even make a living.

I have to ask, why aren’t more people concerned about this? Where are our MLAs on this? Maybe it’s the time people start questioning our elected officials that were elected to represent all of us.

Les Landry,

Redcliff, Alta.

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Les Landry
Les Landry
5 years ago

****** IMPORTANT ******
I made a mistake on the math for AISH.
It is $1.5 million per month and $18 Million per year, or $48 million for the next four years,
Over the next four years, the AISH indexing is still $72 Million less than the very questionable “War Room” at $120 million.

Homer the Conservative
Homer the Conservative
5 years ago

The Canadian Energy Centre may have a budget of $30 million a year but the purpose is to advocate for Energy industry in Alberta and help revitalize investment in the industry. That will provide returns to the province that will eventually help increase funding for programs like AISH.

You have to take into consideration the returns not just the initial costs.

Les Landry
Les Landry
5 years ago

I haven’t seen any results so far. When is Kenney and the UCP going to realize that even if you spend $3.00, $300,00 or $30,000,000 you’re never going to win a war on social media?

Homer the Conservative
Homer the Conservative
5 years ago

Nothing happens overnight. It took the NDP and Liberals a couple of years to stifle our economy to this degree. Unfortunately, it will take time to reverse the damage.
I am not worried about Kenney winning any war on social media. I am only interested in Kenney getting this province back on track.

Les Landry
Les Landry
5 years ago

When have trickle-down economics ever worked?
And you haven’t commented on, “When is Kenney and the UCP going to realize that even if you spend $3.00, $300,00 or $30,000,000 you’re never going to win a war on social media?”

Homer the Conservative
Homer the Conservative
5 years ago

Ronald Regan proved that trickle down economics do indeed work very well. But what does that have with this discussion? The money that is spent on the Canadian Energy Center is used to advocate for and present information to potential investors in Alberta Energy in an effort to attract capital in the industry. Some may even compare it to advertising. What it is not, is an example of trickle down economics. Not even close.
And I did comment on the “war on social media”. See my comment above. There will never be any pleasing people who are dead set on opposing future development of our resources, regardless of the media platform.

Les Landry
Les Landry
5 years ago

I suppose the sick and most twisted part of this so-called “War Room” is the people with disabilities on AISH and our seniors are picking up a percentage of the cost of this political fallacy.
And that’s kinda what the original intent of my letter was about.