March 28th, 2025

Money for nothing

By Letter to the Editor on December 11, 2019.

Two UCP party members were elected to represent the Medicine Hat area. Both were very outspoken about what they would do to represent this area if elected.

Both were elected. Both have done little if not nothing.

They have travelled and found places to live in Edmonton. Both bill meals and expenses to the taxpayers. But what have they done for us?

Cypress-Medicine Hat MLA Drew Barnes likes to see his name in the media, but he is only blaming others for his government’s shortfalls. When Medicine Hat is left out of provincial funding, and this happens almost always, Barnes is there to say “maybe next time.”

Brooks-Medicine Hat MLA Michaela Glasgo is missing action.

Keep cashing those cheques. Being paid for doing nothing for people that elected you must be very gratifying. Sleep well.

Greg Rossler

Medicine Hat

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5 years ago

Mr. Rossler, I agree with much of what you have written, it does seem prudent to play devil’s advocate.

Ms. Glasgo is a first-term MLA and will likely remain an MLA for many years to come so long as she doesn’t talk about anything that upsets her supporters. After all, Alberta and monkeys, Alberta and blue hay bales, etc. etc. etc. The misinformation she provided earlier regarding Hillcrest Church and increased taxes did not prevent her from winning the popular vote locally, but – apart from the odd submission in the Medicine Hat News that is likely written and fact-checked by others with more time on their hands – it seems we will not hear much from her.

Mr. Barnes has more experience as an MLA, having served several terms with the Wildrose Party and now being a staunch supporter / member of the UCP. When Mr. Barnes was not awarded a cabinet position – I suspect he was probably offered the Speaker position – Medicine Hat and area lost its only real possibility of being represented as there was no more than a slight chance that his former protege would’ve received such a feather in her cap so early on in her career.

While I only occasionally follow Legislature proceedings (, neither Ms. Glasgo nor Mr. Barnes receive or take many opportunities to speak. Sometimes parties need warm bodies to offer their support to the others, and sometimes they give the appearance of being lethargic and/or inactive.

In our case, Medicine Hat and area received the representation that we voted for. It’s not as though we can’t look to select MLAs that are stronger advocates for Medicine Hat and area next election.