March 28th, 2025

Climate change ‘science’ is just politics

By Letter to the Editor on December 11, 2019.

The global warming agenda has, from its beginning, disguised itself as real science.

This movement began as a toxic union of wealth redistribution ideology and global governance ambitions. However, selling this unwelcome message to the world was a difficult challenge. But at that time, new environmental alarms were gaining traction and the fear factor associated with these crusades made them extremely persuasive. One of these new fashionable frights, the speculation of runaway greenhouse warming from fossil fuel CO2, became its chosen indoctrination weapon.

IPCC, the bureaucracy set up within the UN to organize this campaign, was mandated to consider human-caused climate warming effects going forward. Unbelievably, countless natural climate drivers were to be ignored! Scientists assembled to predict IPCC’s desired outcome of apocalyptic warming received overwhelming government support and funding but dissenting scientists weren’t welcome. This was the first obvious clue this project was built upon biased science.

The shallowness and deception of global warming was apparent from the beginning. Michael Mann’s notorious “hockey stick” graph purportedly showing global temperatures for the last thousand years being stable then dramatically rising in the last 50 was IPCC’s proud symbol and Al Gore’s central movie thesis until it was totally debunked by two Canadian researchers. Ten years ago the same Michael Mann and a number of other key IPCC research contributors were caught deleting and hiding data to prevent other scientists from checking their research results. It became known as Climategate. It was further evidence this false hypothesis couldn’t withstand scientific rigour.

And how can we forget the contrived “97% consensus” phrase constantly used by the ill- informed to shut down scientific debate about humanity’s role in climate change? Apparently, no one told these pseudoscientists that “consensus” has little meaning in science. If it had, groundbreaking scientific breakthroughs from such distinguished scientists as Galileo, Copernicus, Mendel, Darwin and Einstein wouldn’t have seen the light of day because they were all opposed by a large consensus in their time.

After a recent 20-year interval when global warming stalled, the embarrassed alarmists chose a new term “Climate Change” to give them total latitude regardless of warming or not. Absurdly, mankind is now blamed for all weather: warming, cooling, floods, droughts, snow or lack thereof and any damaging tornadoes, hurricanes, fires or extreme weather events

This is how politics work, not science.

Lynn Thacker

Bow Island, Alta.

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5 years ago

Excellent letter. Might I add that David Phillips said we were going to be warmer this winter, now a month later they say we are going to have below normal temperatures in Canada. Wonder if they will ever get their stories straight!