March 28th, 2025

Cherry a conservative voice for the right

By Letter to the Editor on December 11, 2019.

I was very disgusted when Don Cherry was let go by Hockey Night in Canada. He was one of very few broadcasters who reported everything without exaggerating or covering anything up. I always looked forward to hearing what he would bring forth every Saturday night. I seemed to learn a lot from this man over the years.

But I believe another thing people criticized Cherry for were his right-wing values; particularly members in the media. Cherry was definitely a strong voice for the conservative right. It is very common to hear liberal-minded and left-leaning people have their voices heard in public. So it is only fair for us members of the conservative right to have our voices heard too.

Tom Waters

Medicine Hat

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5 years ago

The witch hunt is definitely on. People on the left mess up, they give an insincere apology (like Trudeau) and all is forgiven. Cherry speaks the truth, and oh my god let’s hang him from the highest tree. There is an extreme double-standard going on now.

mr black
mr black
5 years ago

Don Cherry is just another white, rich dude in a suit. He use to be pure entertainment, that is until he began speaking his mind. Every time he opened his big mouth a diatribe of vulgarity ensued. Don often spoke up about his support for the military, which I whole heartily agreed upon.

Where I disagreed strongly was his believe the police where just a bunch of outstanding citizens with the most difficult job on the planet. Don actually said every black man shot and killed in the USA were 100% guilty and the cops were always 100% justified in killing them. When asked if cops kill innocent people, Don laughed and said that is nothing but Communist left wing talk.

Again, Don was fired because he “IS” a bigot, a racist, a morally bankrupt individual that doesn’t even realize when he crossed way over the line. Anyone that believes they can learn from this guy is a promoter of hate, it’s just that simple.

Then again, Alberta is known for their staunch “Ultra Conservative” believes, where being white, privileged is the only way of life. As the old saying goes, well Don, don’t let the door hit you on your way out!

Les Landry
Les Landry
5 years ago
Reply to  mr black

Don Cherry reminded me of the grumpy old man that screams at the kids, “GET OFF MY LAWN.”
Except Cherry started screaming, “YOU PEOPLE GET OFF MY ICE.”
Now what part of that has anything to do with the sport of hockey?

Homer the Conservative
Homer the Conservative
5 years ago

So, because Cherry wanted immigrants to honor our service men and women, he is a racist? Mr. Black, you say “just another white, rich dude in a suit” but that isn’t racist? Wow, nice double standard! “where being white, privileged is the only way of life”, really? So there are no poor white people? No poor people in Alberta? Get a grip! I honestly don’t know how anyone can be this ignorant in this day and age.
Cherry had an opinion, that was it. Like it or not, that is your choice. Cherry didn’t call for action against anyone, didn’t pick out any color (like you did), merely stated his opinion. You people on the left (see, you CAN say that without racial connotations) love to get outraged when anyone has an opposing view. And how do you react? Racist comments of your own while you virtue signal to the rest of the world. Typical lefty hypocrites.
You think Cherry is morally bankrupt, you better check your own account Mr Black! You seem to be running pretty low on morality yourself.

Fedup Conservative
Fedup Conservative
5 years ago

You have to question the intelligence of many Alberta seniors. Jason Kenney tells them that Notley is spending too much money and they believe him. Now he’s spending it faster than she ever did and wasting it on a War Room , plane rides, and panels to help his supporters fill their pockets with taxpayers money and they don’t care. While he slashes taxes to benefit his rich friends and promises these seniors that he’s going to make them pay a lot more out of their pockets they accept it. .

If they had an once of intelligence and were in fact so concerned about money being wasted why would they defend an arrogant bully who promoted violence in hockey and hurled sarcastic comments at our foreign players who brought incredible skills our game, without the violence, while he was being paid $1.1 million annually for only working 10 minutes per week and only in the winter? You would think they were smarter than that but they aren’t. My senior friends and I can’t believe how stupid they are, however to be fair they make good laughing conversations at coffee. We still laugh about how he deliberately flogged his wealth with his expensive girly style suits. Maybe his supporters should take up a collection to help him keep paying for them, and I’m sure he would appreciate it.

Homer the Conservative
Homer the Conservative
5 years ago

Another day, another barrage of insults at seniors, compliments of Fed Con!
Why is it that you can express an opinion but Don Cherry can’t? He says “you people” and get’s ousted while you continue to enjoy your daily spillage of verbal diarrhea with no consequence. But that does fall in line with your NDP philosophy, doesn’t it?
Only someone who is bitter and warped can take a conversation about a Canadian icon and turn it into an insulting rant about seniors and Kenney. Was Gretzky leaving the Oilers Kenney’s fault too?
Might be time to start having coffee without the Kahlua in it…

P.S. Cherry’s salary didn’t come from taxpayers. Did yours?