March 28th, 2025

Thinking columnist ‘doth protest too much’

By Letter to the Editor on December 9, 2019.

Re: “Non-stop rhetoric from UCP,” Nov. 16

I would categorize Scott Schmidt’s column in the middle of November as a case of “love me or hate me, but spare me your indifference,” especially judging from Ticked Off & Tickled Pink comments and letters to the editor that followed, those in his defence and otherwise. It also seems to push him, humorously, into the same category as Premier Jason Kenney.

It also calls to mind the quote that perhaps Schmidt “doth protest too much, methinks”; with his vitriolic diatribes, he is hellbent on whipping all things Kenney, good or bad, into a hateful frenzy.

In a recent political news article shared on Facebook, someone commented that the UCP government, which had been in place for about five months at that time, had already cost him and his family “a small fortune.” Since I hadn’t seen any difference in my finances, which I tend to track monthly, I pressed him for details, as I was also curious as to what dollar amount a “small fortune” looked like. Crickets, just as I thought.

Schmidt’s attacks are now coming off as personal, and it’s not much of a secret that Kenney isn’t a media darling. A friend of mine in the journalism field confided that his one personal interaction with Kenney, which consisted of a quick handshake and perhaps 20-second verbal exchange, made him want to go home and shower.

The Charles Dickens mentality of it being, paraphrased, as “the worst of times, the worst of times,” wears thin, and Schmidt’s beginning to more closely resemble Chicken Little. Sooner or later, people will tire of craning their necks looking upward for the proverbial falling sky.

If Schmidt wrote any similarly vitriolic columns while Notley’s NDP government was spending like a drunken sailor for four dismal years, I can’t seem to recall any; and if there were any, it’d be great if the Medicine Hat News could trot those out in honour of, say, Throwback Thursday or Flashback Friday.

If the News ever outsources its layout editor position, as it did with the graphics design department a few years back, perhaps Schmidt could find employment as either a political pundit, or, perhaps more lucrative, a member of the Opposition party; I’m pretty sure Drew Barnes could attest that it’s far easier to be the opposition than the governing party.

And, lastly, if Schmidt gets tired of playing devil’s advocate, I’d be tickled if he could find it within himself to write on the positive changes that have taken effect in the last six months. If not, then I’ll continue to read his disparaging remarks and think, “Those who can’t, criticize.”

J Coombes

Medicine Hat

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5 years ago

Medicine Hat News, the CNN of Alberta. Apparently being a layout editor gives you your own private soapbox to be a SJW, and then only include supporting letters and remarks to back up your bs. You know, like CNN. Why else would they allow FedUp to keep writing his hate speech against the majority of voters in this province?

Les Landry
Les Landry
5 years ago
Reply to  yomouse

yomouse, you may want to reframe your last sentence to “the majority of voters in this province at the time of the election.”
Nobody voted to freeze AISH and senior’s benefits. As a matter of fact, the UCP said they would leave them as they are, three days before the election.
Nobody voted for the cuts in healthcare. As a matter of fact, Kenney signed a “Healthcare Guarantee.”
Nobody voted to cut education. As a matter of fact, Kenney said he would not cut front line services, including education.
Nobody voted on Kenney pulling pensions from under people’s noses and I’ll challenge you to show me where that was in their platform.
We voted Redford out because of her attitude of privilege and entitlement. And with the amount of flying Kenney and his friends are doing, it would appear that Kenney’s sky palace is at 35,000 feet. At least Redford’s was brick and mortar.
Recent polls show Kenney’s and the UCP’s support has been falling and if an election was called today, they would lose their majority.

Fedup Conservative
Fedup Conservative
5 years ago

Thanks Les for your support and if there is anyone else out there that agrees with us you had better start voicing your concerns we have got to get this insanity stopped or none of us will be able to afford to live in this province and as my senior friends keep saying we can’t afford to let him destroy our health care system, like Klein did, there are too many of us seniors who depend on it. These stupid seniors who don’t care certainly aren’t going to help us. As a University Professor told me years ago . “These seniors are so stupid they will vote themselves into financial ruin or an early grave before they wake up and realize what they have done”. She was right. Kenney is doing the exact opposite to what he promised he would do and you would have to be a damn fool to believe him. It was done for one purpose and one purpose only and that was to get elected. How is not increasing revenues from the rich going to pay for the orphan well mess? It can’t be done as those of us from the world of finance will tell you.

Les Landry
Les Landry
5 years ago

If Kenney and the UCP Caucus don’t like socialism why are they going to tell Doctors where they will live, work and control their ability to decide their income choices?
Oh yeah, where was that in the UCP election platform?

Fedup Conservative
Fedup Conservative
5 years ago

It isn’t hard to understand why Ralph Klein called Jason Kenney a liar several years ago, that’s what he is and these stupid seniors aren’t smart enough to understand it. As a good friend would have said “ You can’t be any dumber than these seniors”

Les Landry
Les Landry
5 years ago

And here it is…
Ralph Klein Accused Lobby Jason Kenney Led of Spreading Lies and ‘Robbing Seniors’
Kenney took a 36% cut out of membership fees when he worked for the Canadian Taxpayers’ Federation

April 13, 2019 SHARE TWEET
During United Conservative Party leader Jason Kenney’s time as executive director of the Canadian Taxpayers’ Federation, former Alberta premier Ralph Klein alleged he helped “rob” senior citizens.

The UCP leader regularly upholds the former Progressive Conservative premier as “the most remarkable leader,” as “that man with a twinkle in his eye,” and as the premier who “did the impossible.”

But back in 1993, when the Canadian Taxpayers Federation criticized the Klein government’s expenses, Klein had harsh words for Kenney. Then-premier Klein said the 37% commission the lobby gives agents for signing up members was dishonest money.

On April 23, 1993, the Edmonton Journal quoted Klein, telling Kenney:

I think 37 per cent commission to salespeople spreading not totally the truth about what government operations are all about is a little bit of robbery

The Calgary Herald, reported Klein told the future UCP leader:

quit robbing the old senior citizens of their money to generate this kind of fear.

On April 21 1993, The Herald reported Klein “retracted the robbery allegation after being
threatened with possible legal action in a verbal sparring match with Kenney in a legislature hallway.”

“Robbing was probably a strong use of words and I’ll retract that,” Klein reportedly told Kenney. “But I still think that what you’re doing is not entirely ethical.”

Klein’s damning comments against Kenney may come as a surprise, given that on the 25th anniversary of Klein’s election as premier of Alberta, Kenney claimed the Klein government led to an era of “unrivalled growth and prosperity for Albertans.”

5 years ago

Ways to reduce a deficit and balance a budget:

1. Increase revenues, or,

2. decrease spending, or,

3. Think you’re entitled to everything and whine about a leader from 25 years ago and insult seniors.

Les Landry
Les Landry
5 years ago
Reply to  yomouse

Yup, decrease spending such as giving corporations a 4.7 billion dollar tax break. And that’s just to pay their moving expenses.
But don’t worry, he’ll just put that on the backs of people with disabilities, seniors, civil servants and the working poor…
Now sign your name yo your crap…

5 years ago
Reply to  Les Landry

Les and Al, the champions of the people. Saviors of the downtrodden. You do realize, if half of Al’s tall tales are true, he’s probably a 1%, but I bet he doesn’t refuse one handout for a senior discount, finds every tax loophole he can to avoid paying his share and probably doesn’t even pay for his own coffee at these major coffee events where he holds court and preaches to the masses of ignorant seniors.

Explain to us deplorable’s why Canada is in such a crappy place economically and the US seems to be setting records every day? Why are companies moving if all they get is tax breaks here? Why is this country so divided when we are told “diversity is our strength”? Why are seniors, veterans and the disabled living in poverty yet we have money to give away to every other country in the world?

As far as my name goes, why would you want to know that, are you taking cues from your comrades to the south? You want anyone who doesn’t agree with you to lose their job? Publicly shame them? Camp out in front of their house and harass them? The “tolerant” left is anything but if you disagree, just look at Al’s daily vitriol.