March 28th, 2025

Amazed Albertans are letting the UCP get away with this

By Letter to the Editor on December 6, 2019.

Was anyone in Alberta prepared for what Jason Kenney and his government unleashed on our province since the provincial election this spring?

I wonder if those who voted for the UCP understood they were voting for the changes that are being implemented. Legislation that protected the rights of workers disappearing, collective agreement obligations being dismissed through new legislation, pension plan monies potentially being moved under provincial government control. Corporate tax cuts amounting to billions of dollars lost to the provincial treasury. Bill 207 the physician conscience bill being proposed for legislation, or taking new physicians’ choice of where they can practice in the province away from them. Foolish nonsense spoken about separation from Canada. Rhetoric from officials saying we send far too much money to federal coffers.

It is a sad day when our government can terminate the election commissioner who is responsible for electoral system oversight simply because it is in their best interest. Lorne Gibson, the election commissioner, was removed from office simply by legislating a reorganization in the system. The government says that is OK, as it will save us money. To date, the commissioner had enough evidence to fine various UCP members a collective $200,000 for electoral irregularities. The investigation is still ongoing. Makes one wonder does it not. Never mind that the leader of the Opposition in the legislature has been thrown out of the legislature for her objections to this. She failed to apologize! Imagine that!

It amazes me that fellow Albertans can stand by and allow this to happen simply because that’s what the Conservatives tell us is needed to eliminate the deficit, create jobs and reinvigorate the oil patch.

Marg Falkenberg

Medicine Hat

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Fedup Conservative
Fedup Conservative
5 years ago

Well Marg my fellow conservative senior friends and I keep asking the same question and keep coming up with the same answer. It’s ignorant Albertans , and it’s many of our fellow seniors who are just too dumb to understand what’s going to happen to them. But then we went through this all before with Ralph Klein, and you know how well that went. While even members of Klein’s own family tried to help us vote him out , our ignorant senior friends called us all sorts of names for trying to stop him, apparently they love being poor.

Kenney is the worse liar we have ever seen in Alberta and that’s including Klein. Even Klein called him liar as this points out:

“Ralph Klein Accused Lobby Jason Kenney Led of Spreading Lies and Robbing Seniors”

Klein was right that’s what he did and he’s doing it again.

mr black
mr black
5 years ago

Jason Kenney isn’t done screwing over Albertan’s just yet. He has seemingly taken 2 or 3 pages out of donald trumps playbook on how to behave as a complete idiot. Oh Jason Kenney will eliminate all the good in Alberta and ravage society where only the good ol boys club will flourish.

Before all is said and down, Jason Kenney will screw over the average Albertan royally.

Fedup Conservative
Fedup Conservative
5 years ago

mr black we certainly agree, we know what Klein did to us. Here in Edmonton they are calling Kenney a clone of Klein. We still get called all sorts of names by these ignorant seniors who think it’s wonderful what Kenney’s doing, sadly they have no idea what they’ve voted themselves into. We know we are going to need a lot more food banks. and most people say we can’t afford to fund them.

5 years ago

Hmm, i am a senior and frankly, by no means an idiot. I must ask who you would have voted for. Surely not Rachel whose strong union ties, anti corporate mindset and reckless spending sank this province into financial ruin. Alberta desperately needed someone to rein in spending. I await the external audit of AHS ( the first ever) but believe the fear mongering spewed by the opposition and public sector unions may be premature. By the way, those powerful unions had the opportunity to avoid layoffs by agreeing to a 3% rollback. They could have offered to renegotiate their contracts and address ridiculous overtime clauses that permit staff to game the system or reinvent pension plans that taxpayers subsidize to the tune of billions because contributions no longer match payouts.

Fedup Conservative
Fedup Conservative
5 years ago

I am a senior also 76 years old and supported the Alberta Conservative Party for about 28 years, prior to Klein My late parents and two sisters spent countless hours volunteering for the Lougheed and Getty governments. A brother in law voluntarily few the government plane for them, never got paid a dime. Lougheed’s mines and minerals minister Bill Dickie was a brother in law of one of my uncles. Dad donated around $30,000. to their party and we were all proud to support them. Then we watched Ralph Klein, whom our family had known since the early 1960s destroy everything Lougheed had created for us Klein almost killed my father with his health care cuts. Even members of his own family tried to help us vote him out knowing what he was doing was destroying this province.
So let’s get this straight fd4thought is apparently such a great conservative he supports anyone who attaches word conservative to his name even when he is a well known Liberal, turned Reformer, never has been a true Conservative and finds it smart to believe ever lie he feeds him, even though Ralph Klein accused him of spreading lies and robbing seniors, which he did. Kenney is being investigated by RCMP for running a fraudulent campaign against Brian Jean while Albertans claim their names and email addresses were used by Kenney to help him win the leadership race. He fires Election Commissioner Lorne Gibson for fining former UCP leadership candidate Jeff Calloway and others for funnelling money into the Kamikaze leadership campaign used to defeat Jean some $223,000. and fd4thought doesn’t care.

Kenney takes the cap off the power industry, that The NDP put onto place to protect seniors against gouging by the industry . He takes the cap off School Fees, day care fees and after school fees that cost my son $1800. per month that Notley put in place to protect young parents. He is forcing rural Albertans to pay for the extra policing they desperately need after Notley promised to provide it with provincial funding. He slashes funding to our health care and education systems which will result in the the of Doctors, nurses, and teachers and fd4thought doesn’t care. Kenney promises to force Albertans into a heath care system that is more like the American style system which will be a financial disaster for Alberta seniors bu fd4thought doesn’t care.

The seniors in my world are smart enough to know that what’s Kenney is doing is go cost people their lives and put many in financial ruin. So if fd4thought doesn’t want to be called an idiot maybe he would like to explain to why we shouldn’t do so? I know some lawyers , accountants, oilmen and bankers in our world who would like to know.

5 years ago

You do realize that everything, and I mean everything that Notley promised you costs us, as taxpayers money. Add the burden of interest on our provincial debt and you have an unsustainable model. If you are so inclined, I suggest you read some of the latest Fraser Institute reports. You may gain insight into the need for fiscal restraint in this time of burgeoning debt. As to your dire claims regarding healthcare, until that audit is available and Kenney’s reaction to it is set in motion, those should be shelved. This may sound callous but your son’s decision to have children should not make daycare my responsibility as a taxpayer. I am so tired of people expecting the government (we taxpayers) to pay for everything. How convenient that you enjoyed the prosperous conservative years, but now find yourself on the left when the oil and gas industry is bust and the economy has slumped. Was Kenney supposed to wave a magic wand, get a pipeline built, reinvigorate the industry, diversify, increase spending, give you a surplus budget and eliminate provincial debt in eight months. Impossible. Prentice was right when he told people like you to look in the mirror!!!!