March 28th, 2025

How did Cherry last for so long?

By Letter to the Editor on December 4, 2019.

The “firing” of Don Cherry and the way the media treated the event as if it was an Earth-shaking, not-to-be- ignored, very important, major sports-related catastrophe, somehow equal to another ice age on the way, the end of hockey reporting and analysis, was a totally exaggerated hullabaloo. All I can say it’s a wonder it hadn’t happened years ago.

His “supporters,” and there seem to be thousands out there judging by the many expressions of “how and why could they do that to that great man” and “we hope that they soon realize just what they have done and reinstate the ‘Voice of Canadian Hockey,'” somehow remind me of the crowds that you see behind another “great man,” Mr. Donald Trump, at one of his frequent narcissistic, truth-bending, loud and almost laughable rallies; they’re unbelievably naive. The word “naive” I use because I don’t want to offend anyone by some more fitting description, such as dim-witted.

A few years ago Readers Digest published a story about a then-recent survey titled something like “How many Canadians would you consider true Canadian Heroes.” The results showed that Terry Fox was one, the discoverers of medical breakthroughs and many others were also named. I think that all of them would have been offended, insulted, feeling belittled, outraged, and left feeling that that survey must have been some kind of a joke, when they found a Don Cherry among what many considered also a Canadian hero.

The international hockey world, contrary to Cherry’s opinions. is needed for Canada’s continuing excellent reputation as a hockey superpower. I think most of them, if they ever were to listen to a Cherry, would wonder where did Canada ever find an exhibitionist, narcissist, arrogant person like a Don Cherry. I, contrary to what many others seem to think, feel Cherry has done more harm than good for Canada’s sports reputation.

No, I’m not forgetting that this all happened around Remembrance Day and yes, I, also being one of “them,” did wear a red poppy. Not because I had to, but because I also remember the sacrifices so many women and men willingly made.

Ted Kohlmetz

Medicine Hat

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5 years ago

I wanted to see how long it would take for you to mention Trump, didn’t take long. Obviously just another easily offended leftie, hockey was probably never meant for you. And the adjectives you use to describe Don Cherry could easily apply to yourself. You probably want diversity and inclusion, but then you resort to childish name calling against at least half the population of Canada that support Don Cherry, well done, you should be so very proud.

Fedup Conservative
Fedup Conservative
5 years ago

Maybe if Impala loves Donald Trump so much he should move to the U.S. and watch him get kicked out of office. My American Conservative relatives are hoping he does. Once again we see another Alberta senior who is so smart he calls anyone who doesn’t think like him a leftie, while he’s the one supporting a Liberal, turned Reformer, has never been a true conservative in Jason Kenney and he thinks that makes him look a lot smarter than the rest of us. I wonder why these seniors are the laughing stock of my senior conservative friends? To put it bluntly they can’t believe how stupid these fellow seniors are . Had Impala bothered to look into Jason Kenney’s background he would find that he is a long time Liberal who will do anything, or say anything, to keep living off taxpayers money, even if it means changing parties. He is a great con-artist, just like Ralph Klein.

But even Ralph Klein called him a liar. Maybe Impala should try to educate himself by googling this:

“Ralph Klein Accused Lobby Jason Kenney Led of Spreading Lies and Robbing Seniors”

Klein was right that’s what he did. Too bad Impala isn’t smart enough to realize it. Now Kenney is doing it once again and us seniors are the ones he’s targeting, along with doctors , nurses, and teachers, the most important people in our lives. Our property taxes , already the highest in Canada , are going to go through the roof , while Kenney continues to gives away billions in royalties and increases tax breaks for his rich friends. Why would anyone be dumb enough to support that?????

Homer the Conservative
Homer the Conservative
5 years ago

Wow, Fed Con!
Where did Impala state that he “loved” Trump? Like so much of your opinion, you make assumptions with no basis in reality. And you included your signature insult of seniors. Nice touch
You say that you have a lot of “senior conservative friends”, are these the stupid seniors you are always mentioning? Me thinks there is a correlation here.
Again, you bring up that Klein spoke about Kenney. You have said in other posts that Klein did great harm to Alberta but you seem to like to cherry pick quotes when it suits you.
You complain about tax payers money and property taxes increasing but then turn around and whine about Kenney reducing taxes for companies that create jobs and wealth in the province. Can’t have it both ways. Either you are for lower taxes or not. But in your warped liberal view, I guess you expect the government to pay for everything.
Maybe stop spreading your lies for a while and get some real friends.
Oh, and Don Cherry is a great man, who showed respect for our Armed Forces. You have a problem with that, maybe you should move to whatever communist state that you adore. But you won’t. Hypocrites, like you, never do.