March 28th, 2025

New columns are a welcome relief and change

By Letter to the Editor on November 21, 2019.

Recent guest columns by Scott Schmidt, especially “Non-stop rhetoric from UCP,” on Nov. 16, are such a welcome relief from the persistent (non-stop?) finger-pointing, obfuscation and boo-hooing put out there by so many in public office in Alberta today.

There are even a couple of local ones and readers know who they are without me naming them.

Schmidt nails it and his guest columns should become regular columns. “As water to the thirsty, as beauty to the eyes.”

Thank you, thank you, thank you!

Bill Cocks

Medicine Hat

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Fedup Conservative
Fedup Conservative
5 years ago

Bill and Scott have nailed it. As those of us the world of finance know Albertans have only themselves to blame for the mess we are in. There is no intelligence in watching these reformers giving away our royalties and increasing tax breaks for their rich friends then whining about how badly treated we are by the Eastern Canadians . The fact is they are deliberately using the divide and conquer tactics pitting Canadians against Canadians creating as much confusion as they can and our fellow seniors are buying it. Why are they so easy to fool?

Homer the Conservative
Homer the Conservative
5 years ago

Yeah right, Fed Con! If Albertans would not have elected an NPD government 4 years ago, we would not be in this mess at all. But none of you can see that past your tainted liberal views. And, of course, you characteristically insult every senior because you believe that if they don’t share your warped view then they must be plain stupid. I think you are the one who is too easily fooled.

Fedup Conservative
Fedup Conservative
5 years ago

Yesterday at coffee there were 22 of us seniors, we all consider themselves to be true conservatives, ranging in age from 71 to 93 and the topic as always was the lies Jason Kenney has been feeding Albertans. What is very disturbing to those of us who weren’t dumb enough to support him, is the fact that many good factual letters are being written pointing out what he is doing to us, only to be followed by ignorant sarcastic comments hurled at the writers by our fellow seniors providing absolutely nothing to back up their stupid comments. Many of us have had enough of it. I was recently called a moron for a letter I wrote to the Red Deer Advocate pointing out the lie that Kenney is using telling Albertans that we are broke, because we have had to send $10 billion annually to Ottawa and Quebec in the form of equalization payments, yet the Alberta government has never paid a penny into the equalization program, it all comes out of our federal taxes and has nothing to do with why we are broke, and Alaska and Norway aren’t. I spend 32 years in the world of finance and know better than that, and the lawyers, accountants, and bankers I talk to agree. We think it’s time to take action on behalf of our children and those that are losing their jobs because of this insanity, what do you think?
Lawyers told us years ago, during the Klein era, that we should consider suing Klein, his MLAs, and those hurling their mindless sarcastic comments at us for not being as dumb as they are, now we regret not doing it.

The suggestion yesterday was that maybe we should set up a GO FUND ME PAGE asking for donations to fund the lawsuits from those who weren’t dumb enough to support this insanity and start suing these seniors whose blind support of anyone who attaches the word conservative to their name. It’s what’s gotten us into this “Horrific Mess” as our hero Peter Lougheed called it. Calling anyone who isn’t as dumb as them Liberals when they are the ones supporting a Liberal, really proves how ignorant they are. Jason Kenney was never a true conservative, as we know . He was Ralph Goodale’s assistant in the Liberal Party in Regina, came to Alberta to become a Reformer and as any true conservative knows reformers are nothing like conservatives, they are only interested in looking after themselves and their rich friends like Kenney is doing.

How many times does Kenney have to be called a liar before these seniors wake up and realize that they might be wrong about him? Even their hero Ralph Klein called him a liar back in the days . Maybe these seniors had better read it. Klein was right he was stealing form seniors and is doing it again, but apparently his supporters aren’t smart enough to understand it. .

“Ralph Klein Accused Lobby Jason Kenney Led of Spreading Lies and Robbing Seniors”

Homer the Conservative
Homer the Conservative
5 years ago

See, Fed Con, this is the problem. Right away, you accuse anyone that supported Kenney of being dumb. You mention many good factual letters but again show no proof. And factual by who’s standards?. If anyone disagrees with you, your insults come out again. “ignorant sarcastic comments… by our fellow seniors providing absolutely nothing to back up their stupid comments.” Classy.
As for Kenney saying we are broke, he didn’t say we are broke due to equalization payments, he said we were broke due to the failed policies of the NDP government that racked up a huge dept. His comments on the equalization payments is that Albertans contribute billions of dollars in federal tax and we don’t receive a just amount back from the federal government while some other provinces receive more than they should. Maybe really listen to what Kenney actually says. Alaska and Norway aren’t restricted in moving their oil and gas produces to market, Alberta is, due to NDP and Liberal policies. I would think that in 32 years of finance, you would have figured that one out. Getting rid of Kenney (you know, the one person who is trying to get the oil and gas sector back to work) is counter productive to getting jobs back.
You also keep attacking Klein but again, he was the only one who got this province out of dept and made Alberta the strongest it ever was. Remember the cheques he sent to the people of Alberta? You want us to be similar to Alaska, well they did the same thing.
Many people get their political start in public service working for parties other than the one they support. Hell, maybe even the ones they do support. Let’s just say that Kenney was a liberal for the sake of argument. Is it possible that after seeing first hand the liberal policies that he decided that was not a party he could support and that conservatism was the path most in line with his beliefs? Same goes for Klein, maybe?
Good luck with that Go Fund Me page. I am sure you will get a lot of support in suing people because they have differing political views. Now that is DUMB. Just be careful that someone who supports the NDP doesn’t sue you because of your beliefs.
I am amazed that no one can be conservative unless they subscribe to your twisted views. Reformers had many a good people that worked very well for our interests, remember Monty Solberg? Or did he just look out for his rich friends too?
Seniors woke up already and realized that times have changed, Lougheed is gone and we need to support someone who has the interest of Alberta’s future at heart. Stop living in the past. Support the people that are going to move this province forward. The NDP and Liberal parties are not interested in improving life here.
I am not worried about how often a person is called a liar. People make accusations all the time with no proof. Show real proof, not conjecture. Tell us whom you support for Premier. And then lets ask if they have been accused of lying. I will am sure that you won’t, but I bet they wouldn’t pass the sniff test anyway.

Fedup Conservative
Fedup Conservative
5 years ago

Once again our so-called conservative hero Homer the Conservative insists on proving how ignorant he is. While we point out facts he refuses to read them or to believe them, he can’t handle the truth he’s a coward, the truth scares him, so he ignores it, and university professors tell us you can’t change these people, they are what they are. The Ralph Klein I knew, personally, loved to make them look like damn fools and was the best at doing it I ever saw. He must be laughing his head off in his grave. Kenney however is an even worse liar than Klein was, yet sadly Homer doesn’t see it. Even Klein called him a liar.
Homer considers Klein to be a hero for paying off the $23 billion debt he inherited from Don Getty but completely ignores the fact that it was Ed Stelmach , when he took office, that told us that while Klein was paying off this debt he created a worse mess with a $42 billion infrastructure deficit. Lougheed agreed and told us that Klein had left us in a “Horrific Mess”, as he called it.It was this infrastructure deficit Notley was trying to fix when Kenney blamed her for spending too much money, now he is spending it faster than she did.

Due to the Klein changes to help their rich friends become a lot richer we learn of the $260 billion Orphan Well Mess that Klein created for Albertans, that Jason Kenney didn’t want us to learn about. So while those of us from the world of finance, who had ties to the oil industry, whose families spent countless hours volunteering for the Lougheed and Getty governments and donated thousands of dollars to the conservative party, listen to these ignorant seniors hurl their sarcastic comments at us for pointing out the true facts, Homer considers paying off a $23 billion debt, while giving away $400 billion in royalties and tax breaks, and forcing Albertans into financial ruin , with a $302 billion deficit to worry about a lot more important and he wonders why Albertans are finally saying enough is a enough let’s start suing these ignorant fools for creating this mess we are in, for the our children’s sake , and he isn’t smart enough to understand how this could effect him. I think he had better shut up, don’t you? There is nothing conservative about Homer other than the fact that he finds it smart to support anyone who attaches the word conservative to their name and believes every lie they feed him, while he hurls insults at those not dumb enough to agree with him. He isn’t smart enough to think for himself or talk to people who know the truth , he doesn’t even bother to do any of his own research on subjects like the Carbon Tax he just believes the lies he is told, and can’t handle the truth. I hope I’ve been sarcastic enough I intended to be? More and more people are talking about starting lawsuits and why shouldn’t they be?