March 28th, 2025

Christmas greetings in the name of ‘neutrality’

By Letter to the Editor on November 19, 2019.

I would like to address the topic of “Merry Christmas” greetings within the retail sector. I know there are many local stores that do not allow or strongly advise their employees to not use this apparently offensive greeting to their customers. “Happy Holidays” or “Season’s Greetings” is more suitable and “neutral.” In fact, all three of these greetings could find an offense with someone or some groups.

On “Happy Holidays” for instance, is this season not one that causes much loneliness and higher depression rates? (If you fit in one of these two categories, there is help out there and many community functions that you are most welcome to attend). In the First World War, the Germans and the Allied Forces stopped fighting and crossed over to each other to shake hands, sing “Silent Night” (in both languages) and share food and wish each other a “Merry Christmas”? They did not do this because it was a “Happy Holiday” or a “Season for Greetings.” They knew it was a special sacred day, a time of love, joy and peace, even for such a small period of time.

If your store carries items that read “Merry Christmas,” “Happy Holidays” or “Season’s Greetings” is it not fair and unbiased to be able to say any one of these? This is Canada; our rights of free speech and religion are all being stomped on in the name of “neutrality.” I want to stand up and let others know that you are crossing a line, many lines in fact, with this agenda. Christmas is a time of generosity, socializing, Christmas parties, gifts, and so much more. There is no other time of year that can bring so much joy and love to others. To see the wonder and amazement in the eyes of children when they see all the sparkles and lights and gifts, if you are able or choose to give).

I am a woman of faith and so Christmas is especially beautiful because of the true meaning of it. Most important is that people feel loved and appreciated. May the joy, peace and love that Christmas represents be with you all! God’s blessings to all of you.

Regina Neufeld

Medicine Hat

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Homer the Conservative
Homer the Conservative
5 years ago

You are so right!
Merry Christmas to you and your family, Regina!