March 28th, 2025

Inspired by young Canadians on Nov. 11

By Letter to the Editor on November 16, 2019.

On the morning of Remembrance Day the temperature was -24 C, making it very easy to stay home and drink some coffee. As always, our veterans, active military, cadets, the legion and other groups came out to honour those that served and those that sacrificed their lives for our freedom. Thank you all for what you have done and continue to do.

At the service in Riverside Veterans’ Memorial Park, there was a group of Brownies/Sparks and a group of Cubs. All of these kids were respectful and attentive to the ceremony. One of the older boys removed his toque during the singing of “O Canada” and asked a couple of other boys to do the same. Our youth’s values are influenced daily by social media, movies and video games that are created by people with a social agenda. It was inspiring to see these young Canadians participating. Their parents and group leaders deserve recognition for the values they are passing on.

The library has a DVD entitled “They Shall Not Grow Old,” it is an eye opening account of the battle conditions during the First World War. The DVD was made using camera footage taken during the war including the voices of veterans.

Mike Somerville

Medicine Hat

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