March 28th, 2025

Wanner an ‘inspiration to both young and old’

By Letter to the Editor on November 13, 2019.

Re: “Out of the frying pan and into a cluttered garage,” Nov. 2

I enjoyed reading the article on Bob Wanner, our previous Medicine Hat MLA. Some of his contributions were noted, but as with exceptional people, there were far more exceptional merits and accomplishments by him.

Raised on a farm in southern Saskatchewan, educated (Bachelor’s at University of Saskatchewan, Masters at McMaster University, MBA at University of Calgary), serving people and the city (child welfare in Grande Prairie, director of social services and then public services commissioner for Medicine Hat), a University of Calgary senator, an active church and local theatre member, businessman, president of CARO (a children’s foundation in poor countries around the world)… the list goes on.

However, sometimes it is the small things that give the greatest description of a person. I often heard on school boards, non-profit organizations or disability services how he listened, cared and did what he could (and then some) to support them. On occasion my wife and I took our international students to Stampede breakfasts, and they were stunned to see a prominent politician and Speaker of the House serving them and the community pancakes.

As a final note, Bob Wanner ran for election as an MLA, won, became Speaker of the House and worked tirelessly to be in two places at the same time (Medicine Hat, Edmonton). He did this when he was a senior citizen and pensioner. He is an excellent example for many of us, those who feel intimidated and overwhelmed to take on difficult tasks or commitments because they are just “too old.” Instead, formerly in his 60s and now in his 70s, Bob Wanner is an inspiration to both young and old to follow the motto of Nike sports equipment, “Just Do It.”

John Cherwonogrodzky

Medicine Hat

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