March 28th, 2025

CPC’s social conservative culture led to Scheer’s loss

By Letter to the Editor on November 6, 2019.

Peter MacKay blaming Andrew Scheer for the Conservative Party’s loss at the polls during the October election is grossly misplaced.

The root cause is our so-called Constitution, that in reality is nothing but an Act of Parliament, and the preamble to the Charter section that in part states Canada is founded upon principles that recognize the supremacy of God.

We can only speculate about why our late Prime Minister Pierre Elliott Trudeau included that as he arbitrarily adopted the British North American Act (BNA) but it’s a well-established fact that tyrants and dictators over the millennia have and still are using religion to con and control societies.

Trudeau’s close association with Cuba’s late leader and dictator Fidel Castro, and his admiration for Castro’s style of government allows us speculate Trudeau did not want Canada to become a democratic society.

It’s also important to be reminded the reason gods are referred to as holy spirits, is because they are nothing but figments of some people’s imaginations.

That’s also why those gods could not be supreme over any duly elected government.

Scheer’s problem was, and still is, the Conservative Party’s social conservative culture, which he is obliged to represent and protect, while the people are turning away from religion, and churches are closing their doors.

Andy Thomsen

Kelowna, B.C.

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5 years ago

The root cause of the fall of the Soviet Union was a constitution that embraced atheism. The government took away the people’s houses and churches but they weren’t able to take away their religion. The vodka and the alcoholic spirits that the atheists gave the people was no substitute for joy the holy spirit had given. The old Soviet Union is now dead.

The Conservatives lost the 2015 and 2019 federal elections because the fiscal conservatives did a hostile takeover of the party and put a gag on social conservatives. Canadians become fed up with cuts to pensions and tax breaks for corporations.

Fedup Conservative
Fedup Conservative
5 years ago

The fact is they are Reformers and nothing like the Lougheed and Getty conservatives we proudly supported who treated everyone with dignity and respect while they collected proper royalties and taxes, health care premiums and ran the province properly. The lies Jason Kenney are feeding Albertans are unbelievable yet many of our fellow seniors continue to ignore the facts and believe every one of them. While other Canadians are smart enough to see through them Albertans vote for the conservative name and ignore the person behind it. It’s why we are in this mess.

As those of us from the world of finance know that all you have to do is get our taxes and royalties increased back up to the Peter Lougheed levels, like Notley was planning on doing gradually over a period of time and we could clean up this mess. But many Albertans aren’t smart enough to understand that. Now Jason Kenney has promised to continue making his rich friends a lot richer, cutting jobs, while he increases tax breaks for the rich, and these seniors who supported him will pay, and I get called all sorts of names for pointing it out. I was recently called a moron by a senior in Red Deer for suggesting the truth “The Alberta Government has never paid a penny into the equalization program. Apparently this senior believes the Ralph Klein and Jason Kenney lies that it’s why this province is so broke. The equalization payments come out of our Federal Taxes and have nothing to do with why this province is in financial ruin.

Make certain you pull up and read : In Federal Revenue Lost- Pembina Institute”

” While Oil Profits soar, Canadians Have Lost Pembina org. ”

” Misplaced Generosity Alberta Government set to forego another $55 billion in royalties- Parkland Institute”

Oilmen point to these studies to prove while Alberta is broke and Alaska and Norway aren’t.

The fact is Albertans have only themselves to blame and look rather stupid trying to blame it on Notley and Trudeau .